Grass Spider

For my WMP I was collecting data about Spotted Lanternflies (Lycorma delicatula) and their abundance. In doing so I noticed an increase in spider webs. On my last day of data collection, I found this massive spider (see below). As the massive arachnophobe I was, I wanted to run in the other direction, but as the budding ecologist I HAD to get a photo.

When it came time to analyze the data and photos, I had collected over my field study on spotted lanternflies, I took a closer look at the images I had taken of this massive spider near my front door and noticed there was a spotted lanternfly in this spider’s web. In the second photo I took it appears to be eating that spotted lanternfly (SLF).

As a result of this discovery, knowing that SLF are thought to have no natural predators in southeastern PA, I knew that I had to identify this species. Despite my hatred of spiders, I ended up on PSU’s website about commonly encountered spiders in Pennsylvania (link). I was then able to identify this spider as a grass spider (Agelenopsis sp.).
According to PSU these spiders are identified by “the dorsal markings on the carapace and abdomen, and the greatly elongated hind spinnerets”. I will admit I know next to nothing about arachnids, but I the elongated hind spinnerets (which I am assuming are legs) and dorsal markings assured me that this was my spider.
I learned that this genus is called grass spiders because they are often found making webs in grasses, weeds, and other ground covering plants. This seemed a little odd considering I had found this individual near my front door, but I had noticed an abundance of spider webs in my lawn, and have not seen this spider since this photo was taken on July 25, so I am assuming that it was just “visiting”. I also learned that this genus of spiders is known to be shy and very rarely bites humans, which makes me feel a little less afraid having to walk past a web where I know one may be daily.

Publicado el julio 30, 2020 11:33 TARDE por mbaratka mbaratka


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