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Barnacla Hawaiana (Branta sandvicensis)




Febrero 10, 2008


With Greg Schrott, Everett Evansky, and the late Helen Violi.

These are the free-roaming waterfowl species from the former Crandon Park Zoo area; all but the Egyptian Geese and the Indian Peafowl have been extirpated for 10 or more years.

Yeah, I know: how does a critically endangered goose endemic to the Hawaiian Islands get released into a park in Florida? Well, welcome to the wacky and largely unregulated world of animal husbandry...

A resubmission in Jun 2024 because the original record recently received its 9th "not wild" vote, which overcame the 8 "yes, wild" votes and dropped the record to Casual. Since I blocked 2 of the offending voters in 2023, they will be unable to see this record, which hopefully will stay RG, even if I have to get my 7 friends to vote in the positive.

(I am getting pretty POed when I find that somebody dropped one of my records to Casual -- months or years later -- because they do not understand iNat's rules on escapees/releases).

Barnacla Hawaiana - Photo (c) naturalisttrent, todos los derechos reservados, subido por naturalisttrent
Identificación de c_rowland: Barnacla Hawaiana (Branta sandvicensis)
Añadido el 25 junio 2024
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Vireo de Filadelfia (Vireo philadelphicus)




Octubre 1, 2022 a las 10:58 MAÑANA EDT


With Dave Gagne originally, joined by Don Fraser, Christine Rowland, Joe Colontonio, and Joanne Chamberlain once we put out the word about the Philly Vireos.

There seemed to be two Philly Vireos, differing most noticeably in the amount of yellow on the breast and undertail coverts, although some lighting conditions appeared to reduce the color contrast.

Vireo de Filadelfia - Photo (c) vtjohn, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC)
Identificación de c_rowland: Vireo de Filadelfia (Vireo philadelphicus)
Añadido el 02 octubre 2022
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Mariposa Sedosa Gigante Azul (Atlides halesus)




Marzo 30, 2022 a las 11:06 MAÑANA EDT
Mariposa Sedosa Gigante Azul - Photo (c) Katherine Benbow Daniels, todos los derechos reservados, subido por Katherine Benbow Daniels
Identificación de c_rowland: Mariposa Sedosa Gigante Azul (Atlides halesus)
Añadido el 06 abril 2022
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