Salt Point is covered in Leathesia difformis (Sea Cauliflower aka Sea Potato). (I prefer cauliflower.)
Fell from tree, attached to small branch
The Sarcodiotheca gaudichaudii (Sea Noodles) is one of my favorite seaweeds.
I couldn't believe the size of this Chondracanthus exasperatus Turkish Towel, about 3' long and in beautiful condition. The second photo shows a close-up of the bumpy surface.
Here is a common mushroom in our area, Coprinus comatus (Shaggy Mane). It is attractive when fresh, but melts into a dark goo.
The Acer macrophyllum (Bigleaf Maple) leaves are changing color and falling everywhere these days!
These Licorice Ferns may have been growing out of the ground, or a decaying log. They are abundant around Anderson Lake.
These Licorice Ferns were growing out of exposed roots of a Western Redcedar and a Douglas Fir, trees side-by-side, as well as a large boulder.
I laughed when I saw a dozen Cucumaria miniata (Red aka Orange Sea Cucumbers) lined up like a package of hotdogs! I'd never seen that before. Usually they are alone, or a few will be tucked in together under rocks at low tide.
Roadside at Western edge of ubc campus, bordering pacific spirit park.