Diderma subfloriformis
Spores: dense small warts
Capillitum: profuse, flexuose and pale with swollen parts, maybe warts
Sporocyst: globose, pale grey, light ochraceous, dehiscence near petaloid. Dark grey/blue when immature
Sporocarps: ±1.3mm
Growing on bark of Salix × pendulina in a moist chamber
Sporatheca, almost globlose with some wrinkles. It was also about 1/2 the total height.
Spores are thick on one side, thus making them appear paler on the opposite. There was some gelatinous substance, and the "stipe".
Spore is 10.5 - 11µm
Sporocarp is 200µm tall
Sporotheca is 115µm wide
Licea rugosa var. fujiokana
Sporotheca: ≠0.5mm
Spores: 8-9µm warted with groups
Capillitum: anatomosed with freeends
Sporocarp: ≠0.8 - 1.5mm
Collumella: Ends midway, with 3-5 main branches
Peridium, flaking away
Plasmodium: White
On dead wood. Found by @ethansaso
Unusually light color for the outer peridium for Badhamia crassiprella.
Microscopy done and ID confirmed by @edvin_johannesen
Microscopy and ID done by @edvin_johannesen
Found by @graysquirrel on on decomposing Quercus agrifolia leaf
Microscopy and ID done with @edvin_johannesen
Found by @graysquirrel on on decomposing Quercus agrifolia leaf
S. axifera var. smithii; extremely small.
Did not collect.
Comatricha orthotricha
Bratteng, Mycologia 67(2):415 (1975)
Spores: 6.5-7.2µm reticulated
Capilititum: Coming off at right angles, bifurcated tips
Sporotheca: ovoid 335 x 275µm and 1/3rd total height
Sporocarp: ≠1mm
Substrate: Sphagnum
Found on decomposing wood by my friend @graysquirrel.
Her observation is https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/196893992
Microscopy done and ID confirmed by @edvin_johannesen