This tachinid fly (Archytas spicifer), a widespread species whose larvae destroy fall webworms, forest tent caterpillars, tomato fruitworms, corn earworms, and cutworms, making this species a great friend to farmers and gardeners. They feed on pollen and nectar, making them inportant pollinators too. They might be ugly but they certainly are beneficial!
Camping trip to Sunset Bay State Park, Coos Bay, OR. Sep 7-11, 2020.
Sep 9, 2020.
on Gray Rabbitbrush
on Calico Aster - Symphyotrichum lateriflorum
Looks like a harsh winter!
Not sure with the identification here. These were swarming up out of the ground near the picnic gazebo at Sain Creek. Probably thousands. This was day two of the first real rainfall of the summer. Once they got in the air they were being devoured by Violet-green and Barn Swallows