A lone example remained at the jetty for around 3 or 4 weeks.
at approx 18m, Wheatsheaf Islet adjacent to Balls Pyramid
About the size of a tennis ball (including fins and spines)
Spotfin Lionfish (Pterois antennata)
Clifton Gardens deep
Clifton Gardens
A night dive at Chowder Bay using a modified snoot.....Bunnings pipe over my strobe...cheap!
Interested to know the difference between a dwarf and zebra lionfish....or whatever one this may be.
This was a small lion fish which as a photographer was inevitable I would see as I chose my wide angle rig and then find a macro subject.
Dendrochirus brachypterus at The Steps. 13.3 m DSC_1005
The dwarf lionfish is only a couple of inches long. It likes to tuck into nooks, like amongst sponge fronds or next to other sessile growth, often on a vertical face. This shot has been rotated; the original is vertical with the face downwards. Camp Cove, Sydney Harbour
Despite its common name, the dwarf lionfish is not the same genus as other lionfish. It is part of the same family, Scorpaenidae and sub-family, Pteroinae. The Pteroinae sub-family includes scorpionfishes, dwarf lionfishes and lionfishes. There are six species of dwarf lionfish in Dendrochirus. Bare Island