Trampa de barrido
3472 m.s.n.m
En Vicia faba
Lots of these flies around the waterfall.
Attracted to light (160 W, mixed spectrum)
~2 mm with wings longer than body. Males, black in color, appeared to be fighting over a light tan colored female and also displayed wing scissoring. The flies were on decaying water plants removed from a garden pond. The male was shiny black with red eyes, (appeared olive green in the shade) had light color fore leg tibiae, white halteres, and hyaline wings with a dark spot at the tip without darkened cross veins. The tan female was from a different species of Ephydridae. Needs expert review.
Body length: ~2mm
Habitat: near a very small pool
Emerged from leafmine with pupa found on Suaeda maritima (Annual Sea-blite) retained on 24.07.15. See this observation for leafmine: