Growing at the Santa Barbara Presidio.
Yellow Sand Verbena (Abronia latifolia) a.k.a. Coastal Sand Verbena, is a native, perennial, finely glandular-hairy plant in the Four o'Clock (Nyctaginaceae) family that grows up to 5 inches tall in sand dunes on the immediate coast. Stems can be up to 2m (6.5 ft) long. The stems grow both under and above the sand, combining with the long leathery roots to create a strong network which acts as an effective stabilizer of the dunes. (They should have planted this instead of invasive non-native Ice plant!). Flower is a spherical head of many honey-scented, bright lemon-yellow blossoms. The leaves are opposite, ovate to kidney-shaped, fleshy and unlobed with smooth margins. Peak bloom time: May-October.
Wildflowers of California: A Field Guide, California Native Plant Society, 2024 (color photos, 600+ pages) p. 541.
My favorite Yellow Sand Verbena observation:
Calflora (includes species distribution map in CA):
Jepson eFlora (includes botanical illustration:
Monterey County Wildflowers:
Monterey County Wildflowers: a Field Guide, Yeager and Mitchell, 2016, p. 359.
Flora of Fort Ord: Monterey County, California , David Styer, 2019 (includes peak bloom times) p. 148.
Jepson eFlora Taxon Page for Four o'Clock (Nyctaginaceae) family:
Irene's Four o'Clock (Nyctaginaceae) family observations on INaturalist, worldwide:
Leaf Terminology: Diagrams/Definitions:
Plant Identification Terminology: An Illustrated Glossary, 2nd ed., by James Harris and M. Harris, 2022
Irene's (aparrot1) Profile Page on INaturalist listing Nature Resources (includes online references with links) for Plants, Birds, Fungi, Lepidoptera, Arachnids, Reptiles, Amphibians, Marine Life, Plant Galls, and more:
Prey observation:
It is bright blue, its pistil is swirling and it looks rather spiky
The petals were delicate and silky
It smells a little spicy