Archivos de diario de marzo 2012

04 de marzo de 2012

Rufford - Mere Sands Wood, Rufford

Circular walk- tried out iPhone app; easy to use but too cold to mess around with Position on maps. Sorted back home in warm.
Not sure my other half can put up with me adding records but I thought it was an enjoyable exercise.

Publicado el marzo 4, 2012 02:51 TARDE por acljohn acljohn | 10 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

11 de marzo de 2012

Maghull & Formby

Yesterday, my wife disturbed a couple of frogs on the way to our small garden pond so today I decided to try and capture some of the birds that visit the bird table. Why is it that they know when I'm ready and fly away? :-)

Walk today at Formby - through the forest and along the beach. The Lichen was an interesting find and I hope I've identified it properly. Gorse in flower, and 4 Jays seen; two on way to walk and two on the walk itself.

Publicado el marzo 11, 2012 03:21 TARDE por acljohn acljohn | 7 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

24 de marzo de 2012

Spring and sunshine

Patio doors open as the sun shines in the north west of the UK. Able to take better photographs without disturbing the birds. Photographs confirmed the sparrows that visit (about 10) enjoy the dust baths in what I'm trying to turn into a vegetable patch. That will have to stop! :-)

The Two male Eurasian Blackbirds (Common Blackbirds in UK) are quite different; one, the religious one, has a white collar; the other is, as you would expect, completely black.

Our visiting Wood Pigeons, 3 max at any time, are busy mating on the fence. The Eurasian Collared Doves (4 max at any time) are equally frisky but, none while watching today.

Publicado el marzo 24, 2012 07:58 TARDE por acljohn acljohn | 3 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

25 de marzo de 2012

Ormskirk to Maghull

What a beautiful spring day! Decided to catch train to Ormskirk and walk back to Maghull.

I'm not sure if I should record everything we see as it is difficult to capture everything on camera. In fact it seems as if every time I turn the camera on (Sony Cybershot DSC-W170 10.1 megapixels), Birds, mammals etc. fly/run away. Grrrr!

So what does that mean? Well the Wren, Long tailed Tit, Stoat, House Sparrows, Goldfinch and a number of butterflies were not captured or mapped. After all, without the images how can others confirm the sightings?

Sadly the Timing belt on my car snapped so it's going to be an expensive day as well :-(

Publicado el marzo 25, 2012 02:40 TARDE por acljohn acljohn | 8 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
