Archivos de diario de abril 2021

15 de abril de 2021

Gasparillo Wildlife

Today, Thursday 15th April, 2021, I saw a manicou this morning. That was unusual as I haven't seen manicou in a couple of years. I saw him probably around 7:15 a.m. I am certain he was about 2 to 3 feet long. He walked out from a neighbour's yard and then went across into some tall grasses. I don't know if its a male or female but he looked pretty large, this was no juvenile.
At night around 7 p.m. and very early in the morning, I often hear owls. I am not 100% sure if its a Tropical Screech Owl or a Pygmy Owl but I used to see a very small Pygmy Owl. Once a Barn Owl flew over me. Its so amazing how they fly so silently, not a sound!
There is a strange sounding bird, I have no idea what kind of bird it is but he makes a whistling sound.
Now and again there is the odd Crested Orependola and Caracara.
A morning I saw a grey and white hawk, not sure if its an Osprey.
Tanagers, Mockingbirds, Carib Grackles and Kiskedees are quite common around here.
I haven't seen any parrots in a while. Usually they fly in pairs.
Ground doves are always around and are a favourite of the cats.
The cats are kept in a catio and are let out under supervision. Nowadays you can't be too careful with pets. Animal cruelty seems to be happening quite a lot so people have to be watchful of their pets.
A friend who lives in Charles Street North told me that she saw something resembling a machineel tree however I did not find it. I did see Candle Bush.
Recently I saw a female Parson Bird. I do not see too many Parson Birds around
I also saw an Oriole recently, I hardly see those too.
I hope to plant some flowers to encourage butterflies.

Publicado el abril 15, 2021 11:47 MAÑANA por alisajankie alisajankie | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
