Archivos de diario de mayo 2012

01 de mayo de 2012

Nisqually Wildlife Refuge

On a breezy morning April 1st, 2012 we visited the Nisqually Wildlife Refuge. The clouds were rolling in and the sky was grey, an overall gloomy day. However, that didn't stop us from learning about the natural history there. This place is very unique as it was built from preexisting builds that were already constructed there for the purpose of farming and agriculture. The two barns still stand in the same place. As we walked out to the delta the wind started to pick up and the weather was really starting to get cold and it was very fascinating how the animals were at home in this weather. There were various marine birds that were swimming in the water. It was just amazing to see them in their home.

Publicado el mayo 1, 2012 06:25 MAÑANA por ballev ballev | 5 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

A Tour of the University of Washington

March 27th, 2012 was a very calm and relaxing stroll through campus. As I walked by the fountain on campus I spotted a female Mallard duck and her chicks just walking beside the students. It was very cute to see. I find it very cool that the chicks followed their mother everywhere, every single move the chicks would mimic the mother's actions. In addition, I discovered how diverse the plants are here at the University. Everywhere you look there are different plants. In some areas of the campus it feels like you're in a totally remote area. It's very peaceful and you feel like you're in a different location, perhaps the woods.

Publicado el mayo 1, 2012 06:31 MAÑANA por ballev ballev | 7 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

The University of Washington Greenhouse

Today it was a bit of a gloomy day as well, however, we lucked out and spent the whole class period in the greenhouse, which was rather amazing. The greenhouse is diverse with so many plants from different places, plants I would have never imagined even existed. Many looked 'alien' to this planet. One plant experience i will never forget is when we ate miracle berries and what these berries did was allow for sour tasting foods to taste sweet. And it worked! The lemons tasted like ripe sweet oranges! It truly was a miracle.

Publicado el mayo 1, 2012 06:36 MAÑANA por ballev ballev | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
