iNaturalist Meetup at Kingman & Heritage Islands on June 5

Come explore the biodiversity of Kingman & Heritage Islands in DC and meet some fellow iNaturalist enthusiasts!

Sunday, June 5
2-4 pm
RSVP & more details

My colleague @tiwane from California and I will be there with iNaturalist stickers and a few iNaturalist t-shirts.

We'll set up a table and a few chairs on Heritage Island. Grab a name tag, some swag, and then explore the island trails along the Anacostia River. Feel free to introduce yourselves to other iNaturalist enthusiasts who you encounter on the trails.

What biodiversity will you see? Here's the species recorded from Kingman & Heritage Islands in the month of June so far. Hopefully this informal meetup will be able to add to this list!

Getting there:
It's accessible by bus, streetcar, bike trail, or car (it's a 1+ mi walk from a metro station). You should be able to navigate to "Kingman and Heritage Islands Park". Here are more detailed directions of how to get here. If you drive, park in RFK lot 6 (beyond the elevated metro tracks and close to the river).

Please note: the only restrooms are located near the parking area. Once you're on the islands, there won't be any available.

Thank you to the Friends of Kingman & Heritage Islands and Living Classrooms for their support of gathering in this space.

Tagging some locals (?) who might be interested
@ana_kaahanui @maryeford @stella20009 @dbarber @jorbogmont @dossification @imasongster @izafarr @graytreefrog @krosenthal @jmgconsult @ashley_bradford @judygva @treegrow @birderkellyk @naturepix999 @mefisher @belyykit @capitalnaturalist @mjwcarr @peggyo @edhass @ronwertz @hholbrook @stephen220 @jane41 @jeffdc @cmciv @davidenrique @zhelicarol @liztrain @telbill @jgingold @treichard @tomarata @zdanko @calopteryx @emilio_c @edanko @jacobogre @wearethechampignons @djweyer @wildlandblogger @udcmrk @dtread1 @arbiess @bertharris @rosalie-rick @mellis @botanygirl @elliotgreiner @tminatbe @annagypsy @sholtz @ecologyelise @sharonforsyth @bugzilla @mdnaturalist @erininmd @woodcut55 @mmmmbugs @tlit46 @nanjemoycreek @tca12345 @lotteryd @romainclem @margaritanoir @mjmwx @tkirk304 @gwh @bruzzone @onertwons @ccworkman11 @mjsarver @vincent12 @serenella @anarchofundalist @copasetikncool @dms215 @lippis @meeraconnors

And out-of-towners @muir and @aztekium will hopefully be able to make it too!

Publicado el junio 1, 2022 03:13 MAÑANA por carrieseltzer carrieseltzer


Awesome, thanks for organizing this! I hope to attend!

Publicado por zdanko hace alrededor de 2 años

I plan to attend. Really looking forward to meeting some folks in person!

Publicado por jeffdc hace alrededor de 2 años

I'm helping out with Arlington's Green Tour that day,, otherwise I'd love to attend. I've only been to Kingman Island once and would love to explore it more!

Publicado por zhelicarol hace alrededor de 2 años

I think I’ll be able to go, so I’m excited!

Publicado por graytreefrog hace alrededor de 2 años

Awesome! Glad to hear @zdanko @jeffdc and @graytreefrog can make it! Sorry to miss you, @zhelicarol! I am missing a similar event in my neighborhood.

Publicado por carrieseltzer hace alrededor de 2 años

Thanks for the tag and invite, @carrieseltzer! I've been joining the FrogWatch volunteer groups at Kingman and Heritage Islands this spring and have loved spending time there 🐸 I should be able to make it!

Publicado por margaritanoir hace alrededor de 2 años

Thanks for the invite, @carrieseltzer! I'm actually living in upstate NY these days, but hope all is well with you!

Publicado por meeraconnors hace alrededor de 2 años

Will be there!

Publicado por copasetikncool hace alrededor de 2 años

I don't go there, because there are too many ticks and I have alpha-gal syndrome, so I need to avoid them, but please keep tagging me. I would love to attend one of these events!

Publicado por sharonforsyth hace alrededor de 2 años

Thanks for the tag @carrieseltzer! It's tempting except I'll be overloaded dealing with all the photos I'll be taking on a bio blitz Saturday (Marshy Point for MBP). I hope to be available for the next one.

Publicado por ashley_bradford hace alrededor de 2 años

@carrieseltzer can I share this on Facebook in the Greenbelt Biota group?

Publicado por dossification hace alrededor de 2 años

Yes please share, @dossification! Glad you can come, @margaritanoir and @copasetikncool, and hope to cross paths sometime with @meeraconnors @ashley_bradford and @sharonforsyth.

Publicado por carrieseltzer hace alrededor de 2 años

I wish I could make it out to this! I'd always wanted to come to one but never had the chance. I JUST moved to New Mexico so I suppose I'll need to find the iNat crowd out here! I hope everyone has fun!

Publicado por mjwcarr hace alrededor de 2 años

Unfortunately I cannot attend, I am back in PA for at least the next several days. Thanks for the tag tho.

Publicado por dms215 hace alrededor de 2 años

Stuck in some bad traffic. If all goes well I'll be there in 15 minutes.

Publicado por zdanko hace alrededor de 2 años

Aw man I missed it! I've been meaning to join an inat meetup and this one was only 10 minutes away! Hopefully there will be another soon!

Publicado por sh0nf0x hace alrededor de 2 años

Aww sorry @h0pper! Next time!

Everyone else, I posted a group photo and short writeup here:

Publicado por carrieseltzer hace alrededor de 2 años

Hello to Carrie Seltzer,

from Jay Otken

The Park Hudson Reforestation Committee, Bryan, Texas

Publicado por jaypotken hace 3 meses

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