10 de octubre de 2016

Poroporo and the wasp.

I witnessed what i think was a Glabridorsum stokesii wasp which i tried to take a photo of, but ruined the agreement and i got a blur, so we are left with this description: I was actually watching a white cabbage butterfly when i noticed a seemingly non descript brown/black insect land on a Koromiko leaf in close proximity. It was if i blinked and the wasp transformed its body into a transparent, metallic hyper reflective coat of shimmering oranges and reds, pulsing electric currents down its abdomen. It seemed so dynamic i could not make out an exact colour. I thanked the light for opening the door, and softly cursed my desires. I constantly question the need to document, which often breaks the spell.

Publicado el octubre 10, 2016 07:35 MAÑANA por fourthworldinstereo fourthworldinstereo | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

The yellow cloak


It appears to know where the sunniest and warmest spots are, this one was dancing about erratically along an open ridge way, following chemical electro magnetic pathways perhaps. I have seen them in pairs chasing enemies or mates, playing games with the observer of now there is one, now there is two or was there only one etc. They will land on you if your patient. I have seen them interacting with another species of butterfly the Australian painted Lady.
Once spending time with one, a pair of tui came and perched nearby, the yellow admiral instantly put its wings up and sat still, camouflaged to the extent that if i looked away even only briefly i was hard pressed to find it again, especially if facing me. Although quite common i love to spend time with this butterfly and it never ceases to show me something unexpected.

Publicado el octubre 10, 2016 07:32 MAÑANA por fourthworldinstereo fourthworldinstereo | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
