23 de marzo de 2020

3/22/2020 Walk

Being indoors with the rest of my family for an extended period of time has not happened for over six years, so finding ways for us all to cope is definitely at the forefront of our to-do list. I am ever so thankful that I live in the Metroparks of Ohio though, because it has blessed me with the opportunity of escaping to the woods merely a hundred steps from my front door. Not only that, but spring is coming and all of the dead-looking wood will soon be vibrant with buds, one of the most beautiful times of the year in my opinion.

But, without the coverage of all of the leaves yet having no snow on the ground, I had the perfect opportunity today to search for mosses and fungi growing throughout the forest ground and up the trees standing dormant. Taking in the large picture of the forest and seeking out small bits of white, green, or even orange with certain fungi seemed to be therapeutic to my eyes, which have been staring at screens for more time this week than ever before. Overall, accepting nature as an escape waiting for you with open arms is a solid tactic in these unnavigated times. I was able to see lots of new fungi that were not present in Boston or New York where I looked and others that seemed to be all to familiar. Once the animals come out and the weather warms, I will be heading back to similar spots and turning over logs and rocks in search for insects, newts, and hopefully some turtles.

Publicado el marzo 23, 2020 12:42 MAÑANA por gmaster1124 gmaster1124 | 12 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

09 de marzo de 2020

3/7/2020 walk

Though I was looking forward to exploring the native species of Italy during spring break, one can never know what the future will hold. Because of this, I found myself, rather, in New York City waiting to take a bus back to Boston and decided to go to one of the piers to see what I could find. Though there were a lot of "captive" species around, I tried to focus more on what forms of life seemed to be non-artificial: the things that grew or were around without being placed their specifically by humans. I found birds in trees when you tried hard to look for them, and they were not all pigeons either! I also found an astonishing amount of ivies growing in crevices and behind buildings. Though pier 25 seemed to be made purely for relaxation and what was planted there was for aesthetic purposes, I couldn't help but notice that the species that are more native to the area seemed to flourish in these more natural environments. It was a really nice getaway from the city without actually getting out of the city.

Publicado el marzo 9, 2020 04:12 TARDE por gmaster1124 gmaster1124 | 4 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

25 de febrero de 2020

2/25/2020 Walk

I went out early in the morning, around 6:30, to see what would be stirring around in the early dawn in Newton, Massachusetts. I ventured into a nature trail outside of my dorm building and focused on getting totally surrounded by the woods and then stopping to be able to listen to what was going on around me. The dense foliage on the ground was a double edged sword as it let me hear creatures scurrying through them, such as chipmunks chasing one another, but it also gave away my location to anything within a quarter mile radius thanks to my heavy boots. The unseasonably warm weather for February has allowed lots of moss and lichen to grow back, yet I am sure they are still waiting for the moisture to increase before they really start to come out more. The bareness of the trees means that the birds stay higher up, to the point where you can hear them but can't quite get a picture. One I took had a woodpecker that I observed pecking into a tree but could not get a clear picture of, so I listed it as such and hopefully the outline is just visible. It's interesting, the amazing diversity in colors that you find once your eyes adjust to the woods, the lichen and moss take on quite a rainbow of whites, greens, browns, and oranges that were easier to spot as time went on.

Publicado el febrero 25, 2020 12:31 TARDE por gmaster1124 gmaster1124 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
