Archivos de diario de octubre 2011

03 de octubre de 2011

New Citizen Science Project

The Dragonfly Swarm Project.

I thought this might interest some folks on this site, since I have seen so many images of Dragonflies. I myself, have never seen such an event where there were migratory swarms, but how cool would that be, to see it?

Right now is a good time to be out and photographing insects. The flowers are in their last bloom and a lot of bugs are getting ready for the cold season. This week alone we have photographed 3 different kinds of velvet ants, some cuckoo bees, and digger wasps. So it's been a good week for us. Who knows what we might find this week.

Publicado el octubre 3, 2011 12:02 TARDE por greenmother greenmother | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

05 de octubre de 2011


I noticed a new designation showing up on the photos. Research Grade.

What does that mean?

Anyhow we are out the door in a few minutes to get more great photos of pollinators and whatever else we can capture on film.

Hope everyone else is able to get out and enjoy this glorious fall weather!

Publicado el octubre 5, 2011 04:38 TARDE por greenmother greenmother | 1 observación | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario

19 de octubre de 2011

How to make people curators?

I have two projects, and I notice that other projects have multiple curators. How does one go about enlisting help for that sort of work?

Publicado el octubre 19, 2011 01:29 MAÑANA por greenmother greenmother | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario