Archivos de diario de mayo 2024

24 de mayo de 2024

Arilus cristatus

Figured I would update those who are interested, but at the present time most of my work is being spent on Arilus cristatus identification and observations.

I hope to publish a photographic life history paper to assist in identification, with in-depth photographs of all life stages. However, this is more of a long-term project that I have on the backburner right now as I wrap up my undergraduate degree, and continue to work parttime with TAMUIC.

However, I am taking some time to upload all of the A. cristatus that I have access to at TAMUIC, which covers a little under 100 years worth of specimen. Granted there is only a couple dozen specimen, although as I prepare my own private collection of NA Wheel Bugs that will be donated to TAMUIC by the time I fill up a Cornell drawer full of them.

Publicado el mayo 24, 2024 01:37 TARDE por lafonlabs lafonlabs | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
