Archivos de diario de octubre 2022

05 de octubre de 2022

Week 2 Fungi

This time i went near Wellesley university to visit a friend and also took a 30 minute nature walk to find some fungus while on the walk. It was a little chilly as the weather has been getting colder lately as it is approaching to be winter soon. It was surprisingly not that hard to find the mushrooms that I had found. I thought it would take me forever to find 5 mushrooms and thought this nature walk would take much longer than 30 minutes. Thankfully it did not because I my toes almost froze off! I was very curious to whether if any of these mushrooms are actually edible and if any would have psychedelic effects. However I did not want to risk my life out of my curiosity so I did not try to consume any of them!

Publicado el octubre 5, 2022 11:07 TARDE por linlee0907 linlee0907 | 5 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

20 de octubre de 2022

Week 3 nature walk

This week was fall break. I got to go back to home for a weekend. I really needed this. Not because I missed home, but I just needed a break from school for a weekend. It can get really exhausting. I went to my usual sesh spots and found the plants at the same time! Talk about 2 birds 1 stone. The walk was definitely over 30 minutes as I was walking around looking for these plants. But it was enjoyable nonetheless. This made me think what kind of troph the plants are. But I couldnt remember on the spot all the options. There are like 12 options in total. I'm kind of worried if I"m gonna remember them for the exam but oh well. I guess I have to go back home and study a lot.

Publicado el octubre 20, 2022 05:38 TARDE por linlee0907 linlee0907 | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
