Archivos de diario de agosto 2023

13 de agosto de 2023


On the 10th, I walked from a point near Netherton down towards the canal. There was an explosion (bloom?) of these tiny flea beetles. They were everywhere. I took numerous photos during my walk. The next day, I did the same walk and there were none to be seen.


Publicado el agosto 13, 2023 10:09 MAÑANA por mishanook mishanook | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

14 de agosto de 2023

Visiting the USA Adventure

I will very shortly be leaving to go visit the Austin, Texas, region. I have researched what I may encounter there to photograph and contribute to iNat.
I hope to encounter the Giant Walkingstick: What an interesting creature!
I also hope to encounter the Striped Bark Scorpion (of course not too closely)
What I would not like to encounter are snakes, especially of the venomous persuasion. There are a few that are out there at this time. I will not be looking under rocks or under anything that might attract a snake as I have no experience with snakes. If I do encounter something like a Coral Snake, I hope to take a photo from a very far distance.
Butterflies and moths are in full, summer swing so I expect to encounter a variety. Also, insects such as dragonflies. A few beetles would make my day!
Birds to encounter include herons, egrets, kingfishers (2 types), painted buntings, etc. Wow! I will be very busy whilst there, I am sure.
If anyone in the Austin area has inside information that they think might be of help, please feel free to email me. All help is appreciated! Mishanook

Publicado el agosto 14, 2023 03:31 TARDE por mishanook mishanook | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario