Archivos de diario de octubre 2018

09 de octubre de 2018

'n Skrop in die Bos

Outramps CREW Diaries
'n Skrop in die Bos
Tuesday 9th October 2018
Wild Seas at Gerickes Punt
If we'd stopped and turned the engine off on the N2 close to Sedgefield, we'd have heard the roar of the surf. We didn't, so the level of sound when we opened the doors of the car was an unexpected assault on the eardrums. We arrived earlier than the rest at dead low tide to walk from Swartvlei Beach to Kleinkrantz and then on to a braai at the Yacht Club. It was a MCSA meet organised by Dave Jones.

The beach was covered with bluebottles and foam and every now and then a wave would surge right up to the cliffs. When we got to the Point two fishermen were discussing the conditions. "So het ek dit nooit voorheen gesien nie"! The water was already too high for us to walk below the rocks. I said to Bill, "I'm out of here. Let's go and do Duiwerivier instead." He wasn't happy, but eventually followed me back to the car.

By that time the Mountain Club party had arrived. In the end only the strongest walkers/climbers went on and even they were head-high under the occasional wave. We would never have coped.


The Calm after the Storm
In sharp contrast to Gerickes, Duiweriver was quiet, sunny, beautiful and very undramatic. The path is excellent, except right at the end, where the signposting disappears and it's something of a problem to get to the waterfall. It wouldn't take much work to sort this out Sanparks. We were delighted to see that all the Aussie invader Ferns have been cleared. Along the way, we pulled out lots of Black Wattle and Blackwood seedlings. Consideration should be given to taking in a clearing team soon.

There was the usual sprinkling of Stinkwoods (Ocotea bullata - Endangered), Curtisia dentata (Assegaai - Near Threatened) and Amauropelta knysnaensis Vulnerable - New Special) that used to be called Thelypteris. Note to self, "check the photos with Johan Baard to make sure of the id". We saw no recent signs of bark-harvesting. A swathe of Aponogeton distachyos (Waterblommetjies) giving a good imitation of the Milky Way wound its way along the stream at one of the river crossings. Duiweriver proved to be a very good choice instead of the thunderlingly dangerous Gerickes Point on the day. It was followed by a very gesellige braai at the Yacht Club.


The Case for Plain Janes
Spring flowering is still in full swing at Aalwyndal. The road verges have been cut severely and look mangy with bare soil patches and an increased presence of grasses. Woody species have all but gone and a lone Diospyros dichrophylla fled to a fence to survive, weaving itself completely into it, standing its ground against the unrelenting weed eating and brush cutting. Dry conditions, fire risk, security issues and plant blindness being some of the reasons for the verge mowing.

Other than the startling pink of Carpobrotus deliciosus, the gentler blues of Babiana fourcadei and Heliophila subulata reigned. Bright orange Watsonia laccata stood out. Though the Freesias were mostly over and setting seed we saw some Freesia fergusoniae (Endangered) and Gnidia chrysophylla (Near Threatened), a white form of Heliophila subulata and a white Oxalis (cf. O. fergusonae or inaequalis ) which Kenneth Oberlander says warrants closer examination. And then there is the Podalyria sp. that Nicky says is not myrtillifolia and a tufted Bulbine and Muraltias still awaiting identification.

The intact veld was very overgrown, Aspalathus subintegra prominent, one splendid Erica versicolor and some Leucadendron salignum. A couple of Protea lanceolata bushes, though substantially less than at previous excursions.

Many of the plants we see and record here are probably just the Plain Janes: Bobartia robusta, Crossyne guttata, Scabiosa columbaria, Acrodon bellidiflorus, Aristea cf. nana, Gerbera serrata, Leonotis ocymifolia, Boophane disticha, Pelargonium candicans, Agathosma capensis, Searsia incisa, the usual array of little Hermannias - H. saccifera, H. salviifolia, H angularis, H. flammea, H. flammula plus a grey-yellow combo I haven’t put a name to. And only once I have downloaded my photographs do I see how many little creatures live on these plants, getting on with their daily business. So after all the Plain Janes dó matter.

Like water running through one’s hands I see natural veld and plants becoming less and less. And whilst legislators may now be happier as they smoke their Pot Plants one doubts that the permanent cure for Plant Blindness would be voted in soon. Which of course is a one-way ticket to Mars, in case you wondered! If the Album captions at my pics seem to be love letters to plants – that is exactly what they are. Somewhere between science, legislation, planning blurb, making money and only noticing the flagship or flamboyant in your face plants – we are losing them. Maybe they’ll matter if we and others see them with our hearts. I dedicate this to all my plant friends who actually do – and of course to plant friends, Thys and dear Jenny.
Sandra, with Gail & Rusell at Aalwyndal

27 September 2018

'n Skrop in die Bos
I have a dream that lives in the "happy place" in my mind. In this dream, I am walking through Fynbos with Jan and Annelise Vlok. A recent weekend spent at the Kliphouis on the Kouga River, made that dream a reality. Dave and Mandy Laing invited Bill and I to join them at the Kliphuis for a wonderful getaway, together with Prof Richard and Shirley Cowling, Jan and Annelise and 7 dogs. Four were Labradors, so the proximity of the river meant that a fair bit of time was taken up with drying canines.

It was a magical weekend,with walks in the Fynbos, paddling and swimming in the river, sumptuous meals and plenty of red wine. Discussions ranged over a host of topics, including plants, politics, current affairs, doggy matters and books.

So what of the plants. Having Jan around was fantastic. The names came thick and fast and his brilliant eyes found all sorts of things that I would just have walked past.

Specials seen
Aspalathus lactea - Near Threatened - New Special
Adromischus cristatus var. schonlandii - Rare - New Special
Phymaspermum oppositifolium - not evaluated - New Special
(Only known from the type specimen collected by Doug Euston-Brown some years ago)
Agathosma sp. nova - Not evaluated - New Special
Aspalathus usnoides -Not evaluated
Amphoglossa callunoides - Vulnerable
Plant discussions are in the Album at greater length

The perfect weekend? Well not quite! The road from the plateau down to Kliphuis is just short of vertical. When we arrived, I said to Bill, "You drive down and I'll walk". Reasons for this are twofold. Firstly, there were all sorts of things in flower, which were irresistible and I'm a wimp when it comes to really steep hill-driving. I had a great walk and Bill got down with no mishaps. When it was time to go home, I again walked up to the top to find Aspalathus usnoides. When nobody had arrived for some time, I began to worry. And rightly so.

The Drifter refused to engage in 4x4 and couldn't get up the hill. So Dave had to drive the Landie to the farmer, who in the minimum of time towed the Drifter up the "moerse" hill with his "moerse" bakkie. We trundled home with no further problems, but were very sorry to have been the cause of so much discomfort and inconvenience. Our vehicles are starting to push the limits. Previously you could rely on the Drifter and it was only the Buchu Bus that used to feature in grisly episodes in the Diaries. It seems the Drifter is now starting to follow in the footsteps of the BOB. FMC!

Thank you all for a fantastic weekend and some wonderful plants to add to the Outramps count of specials.


Klein Swartberg - The Dirty Dozen
HAT Evie in the Klein Swartberg
This last weekend Nicky and I joined the South Cape section of the MCSA to do a trip to the Klein Swartberg. We spent a night outside Ladismith in a s/c house known as “Kliphuis”. Super venue for our dirty dozen. The hiking was to consist of 2 day trips – on Sunday into a Gorge nearby – boulder hopping and cold feet! Amazing scenery and gorgeous Pelargoniums both in flower and wafting their special perfumes around.

On Saturday we hiked the “Liggies” circular Trail. A superb mountain trail winding into the real mountain terrain, and to access “Oom Stan se Lig”. This light used to be an important feature of life in Ladismith. It is a bicycle light on the mountain powered by “water flow” . A light at night – Indicated that the town supply of water was safe. Of course, more recently Ladismith has all sorts of “leiwater”” and solar powered pump systems to boost their water supply. The hike, run by the municipality of Ladismith, has free access for all. A very well laid out path with much of interest along the way. Sadly though, it is more overgrown than usual and no longer has any sign posting!

The plants were stunning – they have learnt to survive in different zones/ dry and wet/ ice and heat. Starting at around 630m altitude- Nicky had her pick of the plants along the lower section , while Evie had to race along to keep up with the strong party heading for rock art – well above the path at 1570m. Along the way Acmadenia sheilae LC); Protea eximia and magnifica (LC); and higher up good populations of new Protea punctata. Both Paranomus dispersus (LC) and Nivenia binata (LC) – seem to enjoy the high rocky location. Cannomois grandis (LC) – as thick and giant-like as ever – very tough to pass through! A little lower down - HAT Derek spotted some new young plant growth on Leucadendron comosum ssp. comosum (LC) . Good show of Erica’s- some still in bud – some for ID’s .

On higher ground in the Swartberg I am always reminded of the legendary botanist and plant collector “Elsie Esterhuysen”. She was a tough mountaineer- never being afraid to scramble down a steep cliff face to stretch out for an unusual plant. And amazingly, with her in mind, I managed to stumble across some plants of Erica esterhuyseniae (LC). It is an unusual Erica covered in long Christmassy white hairs growing in high places on the Swartberg.


Totsiens Thys
We have lost a friend. On Saturday 29th of September, Thys Potgieter died after a long illness bravely borne. Over the last few years, Jen has dedicated her life to looking after him with loving care and she was with him when he died.

The Outramps were founded in 1992 in order to join the Protea Atlas Project. We were a small group of hikers with boundless enthusiasm, but not much botanical knowledge. With the help of Jan Vlok and Tony Rebelo, this changed quite dramatically and by 1996, we were becoming a force to be reckoned with in botanical circles. 1996 was a momentous year for the Outramps Group. A retired ENT surgeon and his retired theatre matron wife (The Potgieters) came to George to settle and began hiking with us and in that same year, we discovered the 2nd only known location of Mimetes chrysanthus on the northern foothills of the Outeniquas. This was about 100km away from the original find in Gamkaberg.

Jenny and Thys were a huge addition to the Outramps. At that time, we were in pursuit of the Mimetes chrysanthus award, given to individuals and Groups who plotted 200 Proteaceae species or more. Jen and Thys drove all over the country in search of Proteaceae species to add to our list. They also joined us on our weekly sorties all over the Southern Cape. Apart from being wonderful Group members, they became our very good friends.

During his life, Thys reached the summit of no less than 31 peaks and many of those were climbed many times. He was extremely fit and a tough old buggar. He, John and Richard were the 3 Musketeers in the Group. And frankly, they were pretty difficult to keep under control. Meanwhile, Jen had become a volunteer at the Garden Route Herbarium and was busy developing a very educated interest in the Erica Family.

There are hosts of stories that I could tell about Thys, but there are time constraints, so I will restrict myself to one. A couple of years ago, we made our ritual, annual ascent to the summit of Perdepoort West in the northern Outeniquas to check on the well-being of our beloved Golden Pagoda or Mimetes chrysanthus. Thys slipped at the summit and badly hurt his ankle. He took a couple of painkillers and then proceeded to hobble down with help from Jenny and Bill. The rest of us went ahead to plot the easiest way down - there were no paths. The descent took about 3 hours. My memory of this occasion is dominated by Bill’s spirited and tuneless rendition of various hymns, which he sang with great vigour. He does this when the going gets tough! The other thing that I remember vividly from that endless day was Thys’s face, grey with pain. He didn't moan or complain once. X-rays later that day confirmed a broken ankle and not a sprain.

I could talk about the Protea Atlas Get together, where it poured with rain for 4 solid days – or the time on the summit of Cockscomb when Bill and Thys got snowed on - the wonderful camping/hiking trip that we did to Min Water - the memorable occasion when Thys scraped off part of the side of his 4x4 at Mannetjiesberg - his cool calm takeover, when the wheel fell off the Buchu Bus in the Jonkersberg plantations, but the stories would take all night, so let me finish.

Thys, I hope that you and Richard are somewhere on the top of a mountain looking down at us poor mortals in our very messy world. Totsiens ou maat. Ons gaan jou mis


From Chris Gow
Talking about the mite mentioned by Tony Rebelo in the last report.
"Tony Rebelo raises an interesting point. I am sure I have seen the yellowing he describes and wondered about it. Then this thing of sanitizing clothing – it is not just boots! Will we in time be required to sterilize all our outdoor garb and gear? Ludicrous!?

Back when I was an active caver, we in the Cape objected to Transvaalers (as they were then) coming here with their overalls, boots, ropes etc, as these could all harbour spores of the Histoplasmosis fungus, a nasty little beggar when inhaled. It is so small it can cross into the blood stream, travel around and germinate in various organs, causing serious illness. At that time it was rife in caves in the North, but unknown in the Cape. That was containable, but heck, the world is full of so many pathogens.

More scary is the stat that Squirrel trotted out at the UN; two thirds of the human population of Africa had not been born when Mandela was released from prison".


From Dave Underwood
Dave and Kyle climbed Bobbejaanberg north of Beervlei forest on Saturday morning and found a Dwarf Chameleon at about 800m in wet fynbos. This has sparked an interesting conversation, as there aren’t any known Chameleon populations in this habitat. A (very) lost Elandsberg Chameleon or an undescribed species...?

News snippet
Erven 271 (& adjacent 264): Garden Route District Municipality received a slap on the wrist from the provincial minister for advertising these erven for lease or development, despite the fact that there is a dispute between the district and Mossel Bay Municipalities re ownership. Matthew Thorpe, chairman of the Midbrak Conservancy brought the matter to the attention of the minister. The Outramps have just done a survey of ERF 271, which the conservancy is keen to preserve in its natural state.

Road Verges
Dr David Gwynne –Evans says “Our single greatest AVOIDABLE threat to biodiversity is the destruction of roadside vegetation.” He is convening a meeting in Muizenberg on the 15th of October to discuss steps and plans for a conference re this issue. To participate in this initiative, contact him on

For the mathematicians

What are the odds that 2 different Outramps parties should spend the weekend of the 28th in a Kliphuis 350km apart - Kliphuis in the Kouga and Kliphuis in the Klein Swartberg?

Forthcoming Field Trips
On Tuesday 9th, we will be visiting Hartenbos Heuwels near Mossel Bay with Dave Edge (the Butterfly Man). On Friday 12th, we are making a Spring sortie to Eseljacht in the Langkloof, which is looking spectacular after the recent rains.
Groete en dankie
Di Turner
Outramps CREW Group
Southern Cape

All id’s subject to confirmation by Doc Annelise and Jan Vlok, Steven Molteno, Dr Tony Rebelo, Nick Helme, Prof Charlie Stirton, Dr Robert Archer, Dr Robert McKenzie, Dr Ted Oliver, Dr Christopher Whitehouse, Adriaan Grobler, Prix Burgoyne, Dr Kenneth Oberlander, Dr Pieter Winter, Dr David Gwynne-Evans and Mattmatt on iNat. Thank you all for your ongoing help and support.

Outramps Places on iNaturalist – You can browse through the observations or refer to the checklist which is in alphabetical order eg. Animals, birds etc.
Cola Conservancy -
Dune Molerat Trail -
Featherbed Nature Reserve -
Gouriqua -
Heaven in the Langkloof -
Herolds Bay -
Kammanassie -
Klein Swartberg -
Kouga Mountains Kliphuis -
Kranshoek -
Langeberg Grootvadersbosch -
Masons Rust -
Mons Ruber and surrounds -
Mossel Bay Aalwyndal -
Mossel Bay Diosma Reserve -
Mossel Bay -
Mossel Bay -
Mossel Bay St Blaize Trail -
Natures Valley -
Outeniquas Bobbejaanberg -
Outeniquas Camferskloof -
Outeniquas East -
Outeniquas Flanagans Rock -
Outeniquas Lange Berg -
Outeniquas Paardekop -
Outeniquas Paardepoort East -
Outeniquas Paardepoort West -
Outeniquas Southern Traverse -
Rooiberg -
Spioenkop -
Strawberry Hill -
Swartberg Spitskop -
Uitzicht Portion 39 -
Uitzicht -
Western Head -
Western Head –
Western Head -
Western Head -
White Heather -
Wilderness Brown Hooded Kingfisher Trail –
Wilderness Kingfisher Trail -
Outramps Projects on iNaturalist
Lianes and Creepers in the Southern Cape and Little Karoo -
Veg Types of South Africa -

Abbreviations Glossary

MCSA – Mountain Club of South Africa
MSB - Millenium Seed Bank based at Kew in the UK
WIP – Work in Progress
HAT – High Altitude Team
LOT – Lowland Team
SIM – Somewhere in the Middle Team
WAGS – Wednesday Adventure Group
VB – Vlok Boekie “Plants of the Klein Karoo” and our Plant Bible
ITRTOL – Another thread “In The Rich Tapestry Of Life”(It describes a challenging situation, usually to do with the Buchu Bus)
ITFOT – In the fullness of time
WOESS – Fair Weather Hiker
FMC and JW – too vulgar to translate, but the equivalent is “Strike me Dead” - An expression of surprise and delight on finding a new “Rare”
Kambro – same as above
Fossick – A meter per minute, scratching around looking for rares
SIDB – Skrop in die Bos – Another name for a field trip, this one coined by Prix
BAFFING – Running round like a blue-arsed fly
SYT – Sweet Young Thing - Anyone under the age of 40
TOMB – Get a move on
Mayhem - Needless or willful damage or violence
SESKRYNG – “Sit en staan kry niks gedaan” ,with thanks to Brian
SOS – Skelms on Scramblers
FW – Idiot
BOB – Another name for the Buchu Bus when she’s misbehaving.
CRAFT – A symptom of Old Age
DDD - Metalasia tricolor (Damned Diabolical Daisy)
VP – Vrekplek – Retirement Village
Qàq – Self-explanatory Inuit word describing some of our local problems
Mr Fab – Our Fabaceae specialist, Brian Du Preez – originally Boy 1
Muisvoel -The Mathematician – Peter Thompson
Boy 2 – Kyle Underwood who works on Orchids and is still at school
Sharkie – Finn Rautenbach – Our latest SYT is a surfer in his spare time
Sicko – Someone who suffers from Car Sickness. With 4 in the Group, allocating seating in the Buchu Bus is tricky
VAG – Virgin Active Garage, which is our meeting place when we head north
MATMUE – Meet At The Mall Under E - Meeting place when we head West
WG – Waves Garage in Wilderness East. - Meeting place when we’re going east.
VU- Vulnerable
DDT – Data Deficient and Taxonomically ?
NT – Near Threatened
EN – Endangered
CR – Critically Endangered
PE – Presumed extinct
LC – Least Concern
TBC – To be Confirmed
TLC – Tender loving care
JMS – An expression of absolute disdain
FOMO – Fear of Missing Out
Milk – the fruit of the vine
Condensed Milk – Scotland’s finest export
Full Cream Milk or Fat Milk – Any product of Humulus lupulus eg. Milk Stout
Milk of the Gods – Rooibos and Brandy
Milk Shake - Sparkling Wine
NS – Species of conservation concern new to the Outramps
PS -Priority Species allocated to the Outramps by our CREW Cape Co-ordinator , Ismail Ebrahim
iNatFD – iNaturalist for Dummies as compiled by Sally
Mizzle – Mist and drizzle combined. A regular feature of George in the ”good old days”.
FE – Fire Ephemeral – only appears immediately or after a couple of years after fire
Squirrel – aka President Ramaphosa
WOG – Wrath of God – eg. incurred when you put a young Pine tree on iNat as Leucadendron album
Skedonk - A banger - old, battered motor car more than 30 years old
Hoedown - redneck gathering, usually involves shouting catchy phrases like "yee-haw" and "the south will rise again"
VHF - Vat Hom Fluffie - our nickname for furry or woolly plants
OTL - Out To Lunch is used to describe the Buchu Bus when she's taking a break after she's behaved badly

Publicado el octubre 9, 2018 03:48 TARDE por outramps-tanniedi outramps-tanniedi | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

15 de octubre de 2018

The Butterfly Man

The Butterfly Man
Tuesday 15th October 2018

A Splendid Day
Breakfast Rock and George Peak
Dave, Kyle, Nicky, Mike, Bill and I set off on the George Peak Trail early on Friday morning. It was a simply gorgeous day and the Fynbos was beautiful in its Spring mood. Dave and Kyle moved at pace as they were going to George Peak. With our destination being Breakfast Rock, Bill and I tottered up at a more leisurely pace to suit our advanced age. Mike and Nicky combined and reminded me of the famous Nursery Rhyme. Nicky is good uphill, but struggles on the descent. Mike struggles on uphills and sails downhill.
Jack Spratt could eat no fat
His wife could eat no lean
And so between the two of them,
They licked the platter clean

There were the usual crop of rares
Lobelia ardisiandroides – Rare (See Nicky’s beautiful close-up of the minute flower on the Album)
Leucadendron conicum – Near Threatened
Erica unicolor ssp georgensis – Rare
Mimetes pauciflorus – Vulnerable
Mimetes splendidus – Endangered

It was a real battle though head-high Fynbos to reach Mimetes splendidus, but it was so worth it to find it in full flower. There are two populations on this track, but realistically we can reach only one and enjoy the other one from afar. The second clump is about 500m into thick fynbos and it would take me all day to get there. Dave and Kyle were disappointed not to find anything earth-shattering on their ascent of George Peak, but they were pleased to see Erica georgica thriving on the stretch from the saddle to the Peak. Youth vs age – it took them slightly less time to do George Peak than it took us to get to Breakfast Rock. Humph!!


A party of 6 ventured up the Soetkraal road as far as Hel Hol - which looks down onto the Soetkraal valley. Dave and the Lamprechts bundu bashed up to Witberg - the high ridge above Soetkraal - while Nicole did the road traverse with macro at the ready.

The veld is about 3 years old and starting to regenerate nicely. Orchids are popping out like hairs on a dogs back and will be spectacular in another month. At this stage the front runners are Satyrium acuminatum, Disa ophrydea and Disa cylindrica, but many others are waiting to make an entrance.

On the peak of Witberg we discovered a reseeding Phylica which can't quite be placed yet - it looks like the very hairy cousin of Phylica abietina .... but it might be something new..........? The resprouters Cyclopia subternata and Leucospermum cuneiforme are flourishing on the ridges while Hypocalyptus coluteoides decorates the Hel Hol descent.


The Butterfly Man
On Tuesday, Nicky Gail, Sandra and I joined Dr Dave Edge at Hartenbos Heuwels. This piece of land to the north of Hartenbos is is going to be developed into a retirement estate. Dave’s interest was the butterflies that occur there and a short report of his findings follows below. The focus of the CREW team was the plants. We are in the process of developing a “Place on iNat” to showcase what we have found. This should give the developers another marketing tool, but also demonstrate to them what areas need to be preserved. We were anxious about the forecast heat, but a cool south-westerly saved the day.

The finds of the day went to Sandra with Polygala pubiflora (Vulnerable) and Haworthia pygmaea var pygmaea (Not evaluated). There were a couple of yellow Freesias, that we are battling to id. We were very interested to see the Butterfly host plants, Lantana rugosa ( Lepidochrysops patricia - Patricia Blue) and Hermannia lavendulifolia (Aloeides trimeni southeyae). I for one, wasn't aware that there were indigenous Lantanas.


Date: 9 October 2018
Accompanied by: Di Turner, Nicky van Berkel, Sandra Falanga, Gail Nootenboom
Weather: Fine, fairly warm, fresh south-westerly breeze
Duration: 10.00 to 14.30
Butterflies seen:
Pontia helice (Meadow White) – plentiful
Vanessa cardui (Painted Lady) – fairly common
Lepidochrysops patricia (Patricia Blue) – > 6 males; > 3 females – one ovipositing on Lantana rugosa
Spialia nanus (Dwarf Sandman) – quite a few, difficult to spot (small and fast), buzzing around the low shrubs such as H. lavandulifolia.
Pseudonympha magus (Silver-bottom Brown) – a few
Zizeeria knysna (Sooty Blue) – a few seen in the low-cut grass around the reservoir
Cacyreus fracta (Water Bronze) – seen around Pelargonium sp. near the reservoir.
Ant observations:
11.12 WP 749 Camponotus maculatus nest found under a large stone (c. 25cm) – fairly large yellowish ant, sluggish. More active at night.
11.18 WP750 Lepisiota capensis nest found under a small stone (c. 10cm) – small black shiny ant, very fast moving.
11.29 WP751 Pheidole capensis nest found under a large stone (c. 20cm) – small brown ant with large soldiers – fairly slow moving.
12.04 WP752 Lepisiota capensis nest found under c. 10cm stone – close to Hermannia lavandulifolia
12.09 WP753 Lepisiota capensis nest found under c. 10cm stone – close to Hermannia lavandulifolia
12.11 WP754 Lepisiota capensis nest found under c. 10cm stone – close to Hermannia lavandulifolia
12.15 WP755 Lepisiota capensis nest found under c. 10cm stone – close to Hermannia lavandulifolia
Several other Pheidole nests were found, always under larger stones, and never close to H. lavandulifolia plants – rather H. saccifera. It seems that the Lepisiota ants prefer the smaller stones, often quite loose on the surface (see pictures below). Typically they bring their brood up close to the surface under the stone to get some “solar heating” and promote emergence.

The Lepisiota colonies will increase in size over the next few weeks and by the time the butterflies emerge they will be quite widespread and plentiful.

Dr David A. Edge

Monate to Oubaai with WAGS
As we arrived at Monate just east of Herolds Bay, we were surprised by a light squall of rain, which was not forecast. We almost decided to abandon the walk, but fortunately common sense prevailed and we set off some time before the others.

For most of the walk, the conditions were cool and overcast with a pleasant southwesterly wind. Monate to Oubaai is a pleasant thereandback to the Oubaai Whale Lookout, which makes an excellent lunch stop. The views of our rugged coastline are good and there is a fine display of Coastal Fynbos to keep the plant enthusiasts happy.

The first stretch into Dollies Bay and across the rocky beach is tricky on crutches, but a magnificent display of Gladiolus grandiflorus provided an excellent incentive to keep going. Aspalathus laricifolius was in early flower and both Erica discolor and the unusually-coloured lime-green version of Erica glandulosa ssp fourcadei (Vulnerable)were present, with Erica formosa providing a foil in white. Agathosma ovata was densely covered with pale mauve flowers and looked spectacular. The cryptic Acrolophia cochlearis caused quite a stir, but was fairly common on the stretch close to the turnaround point at Oubaai. Strongly scented Agathosma apiculata was common along the trail. The plants were incorrectly labelled as Agathosma collina, which occurs further west. Metalasia muricata and acuta were both there, with Indigofera heterophylla providing gorgeous spots of colour along the way.

The day ended with the obligatory visit to Duttons Cove watering-hole for a cool one. It was a great day out with good friends in wonderful Fynbos


Moraea regalis discovered by Jan Vlok and only known from 1 location near De Rust has been found on Blesberg in the Swartberg by a plant enthusiast from California who posted it on iNat. This is very exciting news and gives this tiny plant a better chance of survival. It is Redlisted as Critically Endangered. (photo taken from Wikipaedia)

from Peter Thompson (The Mathematician)
I thought I'd share some photos from my recent trip in the Hex with MO! I was lucky enough to see Protea effusa for the first time. I also have a new camera that has been wonderful to play with, especially for astrophotography!

From Brian du Preez (Mr Fab)
When it rains, it certainly pours in the Cape. I have not done very much fieldwork this year, but when I do, there always seems to be something interesting (will tell you more at a later stage). Here are just a few things from a CREW trip to the Montagu area yesterday.

We were on a recently burnt farm along the R318 on the Montagu side of Rooihoogte Pass. Probably most exciting was what I am fairly sure is a new Otholobium with the sericeous leaves. I checked types on Jstor and does not look anything like argenteum. Also strange in that it flowered early September by the progression of the fruits, which also look strange to me. The leaves are also deeply obcordate, the placement of the hook is seen nicely in picture 3. It was a stiff and untidy resprouter growing mostly near the ground.

Another possible new species is the adnates Aspalathus. It was a densely resprouting bush. I at first thought it was just cliffortioides, but closer inspection shows that is more similar to the pigmentosa subgroub of Adnates (just look at the linear-terete calyx lobes, bract single foliate), but being different in that the flowers are singular along the branches instead of terminal clusters.

Also of interest is the uniflora type Aspalathus just starting to flower, well out of range for the species and needs to be investigated further. And finally, I'm guessing the last Otholobium is spissum? It was resprouting to about 1m tall and looking very pretty. Indeed a very good day in the field.

Forthcoming Field Trips
On Thursday 18th, LOT will be visiting Potjies Pass near Uniondale with Priscilla Burgoyne (Curator of the Southern Cape Herabrium). There is a Weed Forum meeting on Friday 19th. Also on the 19th, SIM will again be visiting the Ruigetvlei plantations and Spioenkop to continue our planned 2-monthly post-burn monitoring trips. So far this area has produced
Dioscorea burchelllii (Vulnerable,
Lobostemon belliformis (Critically Endangered) in a second location,
Acmadenia alternifolia (Endangered)
Selago burchellii (Vulnerable)
Nemesia elata (Vulnerable)
And all these threatened plants have only been found post-burn.
Di Turner
Outramps CREW Group
Southern Cape

All id’s subject to confirmation by Doc Annelise and Jan Vlok, Steven Molteno, Dr Tony Rebelo, Nick Helme, Prof Charlie Stirton, Dr Robert Archer, Dr Robert McKenzie, Dr Ted Oliver, Dr Christopher Whitehouse, Adriaan Grobler, Prix Burgoyne, Dr Kenneth Oberlander, Dr Pieter Winter, Dr David Gwynne-Evans and Mattmatt on iNat. Thank you all for your ongoing help and support.

Outramps Places on iNaturalist – You can browse through the observations or refer to the checklist which is in alphabetical order eg. Animals, birds etc.
Cola Conservancy -
Dune Molerat Trail -
Featherbed Nature Reserve -
Gouriqua -
Heaven in the Langkloof -
Herolds Bay -
Kammanassie -
Klein Swartberg -
Kouga Mountains Kliphuis -
Kranshoek -
Langeberg Grootvadersbosch -
Masons Rust -
Mons Ruber and surrounds -
Mossel Bay Aalwyndal -
Mossel Bay Diosma Reserve -
Mossel Bay - :

Mossel Bay -
Mossel Bay -
Mossel Bay St Blaize Trail -
Natures Valley -
Outeniquas Bobbejaanberg -
Outeniquas Camferskloof -
Outeniquas East -
Outeniquas Eseljagt -
Outeniquas Eseljagtpoort -
Outeniquas Flanagans Rock -
Outeniquas Lange Berg -
Outeniquas Paardekop -
Outeniquas Paardepoort East -
Outeniquas Paardepoort West -
Outeniquas Southern Traverse -
Rooiberg -
Spioenkop -
Strawberry Hill -
Swartberg Spitskop -
Uitzicht Portion 39 -
Uitzicht -
Western Head -
Western Head –
Western Head -
Western Head -
White Heather -
Wilderness Brown Hooded Kingfisher Trail –
Wilderness Kingfisher Trail -
Outramps Projects on iNaturalist
Lianes and Creepers in the Southern Cape and Little Karoo -

Veg Types of South Africa -

Abbreviations Glossary

MCSA – Mountain Club of South Africa
MSB - Millenium Seed Bank based at Kew in the UK
WIP – Work in Progress
HAT – High Altitude Team
LOT – Lowland Team
SIM – Somewhere in the Middle Team
WAGS – Wednesday Adventure Group
VB – Vlok Boekie “Plants of the Klein Karoo” and our Plant Bible
ITRTOL – Another thread “In The Rich Tapestry Of Life”(It describes a challenging situation, usually to do with the Buchu Bus)
ITFOT – In the fullness of time
WOESS – Fair Weather Hiker
FMC and JW – too vulgar to translate, but the equivalent is “Strike me Dead” - An expression of surprise and delight on finding a new “Rare”
Kambro – same as above
Fossick – A meter per minute, scratching around looking for rares
SIDB – Skrop in die Bos – Another name for a field trip, this one coined by Prix
BAFFING – Running round like a blue-arsed fly
SYT – Sweet Young Thing - Anyone under the age of 40
TOMB – Get a move on
Mayhem - Needless or willful damage or violence
SESKRYNG – “Sit en staan kry niks gedaan” ,with thanks to Brian
SOS – Skelms on Scramblers
FW – Idiot
BOB – Another name for the Buchu Bus when she’s misbehaving.
CRAFT – A symptom of Old Age
DDD - Metalasia tricolor (Damned Diabolical Daisy)
VP – Vrekplek – Retirement Village
Qàq – Self-explanatory Inuit word describing some of our local problems
Mr Fab – Our Fabaceae specialist, Brian Du Preez – originally Boy 1
Muisvoel -The Mathematician – Peter Thompson
Boy 2 – Kyle Underwood who works on Orchids and is still at school
Sharkie – Finn Rautenbach – Our latest SYT is a surfer in his spare time and is now the Curator of the Garden Route Botanical Garden
Sicko – Someone who suffers from Car Sickness. With 4 in the Group, allocating seating in the Buchu Bus is tricky
VAG – Virgin Active Garage, which is our meeting place when we head north
MATMUE – Meet At The Mall Under E - Meeting place when we head West
WG – Waves Garage in Wilderness East. - Meeting place when we’re going east.
VU- Vulnerable
DDT – Data Deficient and Taxonomically ?
NT – Near Threatened
EN – Endangered
CR – Critically Endangered
PE – Presumed extinct
LC – Least Concern
TBC – To be Confirmed
TLC – Tender loving care
JMS – An expression of absolute disdain
FOMO – Fear of Missing Out
Milk – the fruit of the vine
Condensed Milk – Scotland’s finest export
Full Cream Milk or Fat Milk – Any product of Humulus lupulus eg. Milk Stout
Milk of the Gods – Rooibos and Brandy
Milk Shake - Sparkling Wine
NS – Species of conservation concern new to the Outramps
PS -Priority Species allocated to the Outramps by our CREW Cape Co-ordinator , Ismail Ebrahim
iNatFD – iNaturalist for Dummies as compiled by Sally
Mizzle – Mist and drizzle combined. A regular feature of George in the ”good old days”.
FE – Fire Ephemeral – only appears immediately or after a couple of years after fire
Squirrel – aka President Ramaphosa
WOG – Wrath of God – eg. incurred when you put a young Pine tree on iNat as Leucadendron album
Skedonk - A banger - old, battered motor car more than 30 years old
Hoedown - redneck gathering, usually involves shouting catchy phrases like "yee-haw" and "the south will rise again"
VHF - Vat Hom Fluffie - our nickname for furry or woolly plants
OTL - Out To Lunch is used to describe the Buchu Bus when she's taking a break after she's behaved badly

Publicado el octubre 15, 2018 12:55 TARDE por outramps-tanniedi outramps-tanniedi | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

22 de octubre de 2018

Colour Me Yellow

Eseljachtkop in the Langkloof
With all my experience, you'd have thought I'd know better. To reduce weight that morning, I emptied my pack of gloves, beanies and extra buffs. On Friday driving to Eseljacht, little squalls of rain scudded over the Langkloof, driven by a perishingly cold and strong wind that continued for most of the day.

It was not an auspicious start. When we stopped below our little mountain, we also discovered that the BOB was boiling. I was furious and gave her a hard kick on the wheel, which hurt me more than it hurt her. We decided to leave her to meditate on her sins for the day and set off in 3 parties. Dave and Evie went to the summit and then walked east. Sandra, Jen and I went up to the summit and then walked west. Nicky, Mike, Rusell and Gail explored all the kopjes on the south-western side. So one way and the other, it was a pretty comprehensive survey.

The veld was looking gorgeous. The accent was yellow with huge stands of Othonna parviflora colouring the landscape against a leaden gray sky. Despite being absolutely freezing and more than a little damp, there were some exciting finds.
Pteronia hutchinsoniana - Rare
Hermannia sp. nova (woeskaensis) -Not evaluated
Psoralea diturnerae - Endangered
Aspalathus pedunculata - Rare
Brunsvigia josephinae - Vulnerable
We only saw one group of Pteronia hutchinsoniana all day. There were about 10 plants in a small clump.

The weather conditions were icy and we were back at the cars at about 2pm. Fortunately, we carry various 2 litre containers of water in the Bus. We filled her up and got back to George with no mishaps. She is now back for some rehab at Roelf and Jacks. They must hate the sight of her.

Despite the drama with the Buchu Bus and the freezing cold, we had a wonderful day out with Outramps from HAT, SIM and LOT combining. It takes more than the BOB and foul weather to stop us in our tracks. Baie dankie Dewald for allowing us the opportunity.


Hello from North Wales
We love reading the regular report backs and learning what everyone in your bit of South Africa has been up to, so we thought it was time to send a report from North Wales.

The Mimetes are flowering here at the moment. Mimetes hirtus and argenteus flowered for us a little earlier in the year and right now we have Mimetes arboreus and hottentoticus flowering. Pictures with captions are in the Album.

Silver leaf Mimetes have historically proven difficult to germinate and plants in cultivation are normally grafted on to Leucospermum hybrid rootstocks. We have been working to try to understand how to grow them from seed more accurately and how to grow them on their own roots too.

Early in 2017 we germinated some Mimetes arboreus and we now have two plants growing happily on their own roots at our nursery here in the UK. When we were in the Outeniquas in December 2017 we were able to collect seed of Mimetes pauciflorus. This winter we will be working on germinating this seed so that we can better understand its cultivation.

We also grow quite a few South African Ericas. We have included a photo of one of the Erica cerinthoides forms we grow, that looks quite different from those we have seen in the wild. Perhaps one of you may have a bit more information about this variety and its natural distribution?

We hope you enjoy our North Wales Fynbos snaps. Rupert Koopman (CapeNature) has christened our exploits #FynbosOverseas.

You can find out a lot more about what we are up to here and here
Best wishes
Robbie and Ben

Peter Thompson and Di spent a wonderful couple of days in the Kammanassie with Robbie and Ben in December 2017. We are so hoping that they will soon make a return visit to South Africa - ed

Camferskloof with WAGS
There were 2 choices of hike on Wednesday. Some chose to walk from Sputnik to Burnsleigh via the nek and others did a thereandback from Burnsleigh to the nek. Three brave souls also incuded a sortie up Peak "TEN 67" on the northern side of the nek.

The veld is looking good and the paths are open. There are some aliens, but a commendable effort has been made with clearing on the eastern side. The stretch on the western side is teeming with unwanted vegetation, particularly Pines. The indigenous plants are being overwhelmed.

I was startled to see that the Burnsleigh Dam is practically empty. In all the 48 years that we've been hiking in Camferskloof, I have never seen it like that. With the hops starting to grow, one wonders what they are going to do for irrigation. Although we have had fairly reasonable rains over the last few months, it is absolute ages since we had a real flood event. This is beginning to have consequences for the environment.

Rares seen on the day
Lobelia dichroma - Data Deficient. Evie found a specimen in a new locality on the western side
Serruria fasciflora - Near Threatened
Otholobium heterosepalum - Rare
Aspalathus glabrescens - Endangered and in full flower

Gadiolus virescens was all over the place in the Firebreak. It was magnificent. For that alone, the visit to Camferskloof would have been worth it.


Hartenbos Heuwels
Ruellia pilosa (VU), Hawortha pygmaea var. pygmaea (not Evaluated), Polygala pubiflora (VU), and a Chascanum species, a Watsonia I have been wondering about. Plants speaking for themselves at Hartenbos Heuwels. The Ruellia pilosa id has been confirmed by Nick Helme on iNaturalist

Seen by all on the day. Undescribed Hermannia, but now named H denudoides by Dr David Gwynne-Evans. He commented: "Verdoorn identified it as denudata, but it is definitely a distinct species". It has been seen in various northern Outeniqua localities by several Outramps the past five years. Eseljag, Western Langkloof

A big thank you

A stukkie; a wet and mouldy plastic bag; a dogeared dirty scrap of paper. The scrap of paper comes with spidery writing which could read- “ about 1/3 of the way between the highest rocky peak and the 3rd river crossing of the hike/ Western end of Outeniquas Aug18”. And hey presto -despite this rather off-putting combination, our team of experts in their own little (actually huge ) specialty arrive at a positive ID. HAT Evie would just like to say – Thank you to all, who do the ID’s– and especially to both Jenny and Dave who have been exceptionally busy and diligent during the last few weeks.

Forthcoming Field Trips
Freezing cold last week and temperatures rising towards the 40's this week make it difficult to decide on field trip destinations. Last week, we didn't make Spioenkop because of the rain and Spioenkop and the Ruigtevlei plantations are out this week because of dangerous fire conditions. So on Friday 26th, I am looking for a cool destination to be confirmed. We are hoping to access a property to the east of Ruigtevlei do do some post-burn monitoring.

A number of the Outramps will also be helping to set up the Flower Show at the Garden Route Botanical Gardens, which will be open during this coming weekend.
Hamba Kahle
Groete en dankie

Di Turner
Outramps CREW Group
Southern Cape

All id’s subject to confirmation by Doc Annelise and Jan Vlok, Steven Molteno, Dr Tony Rebelo, Nick Helme, Prof Charlie Stirton, Dr Robert Archer, Dr Robert McKenzie, Dr Ted Oliver, Dr Christopher Whitehouse, Adriaan Grobler, Prix Burgoyne, Dr Kenneth Oberlander, Dr Pieter Winter, Dr David Gwynne-Evans and Mattmatt on iNat. Thank you all for your ongoing help and support.

Outramps Places on iNaturalist – You can browse through the observations or refer to the checklist which is in alphabetical order eg. Animals, birds etc.
Cola Conservancy -
Dune Molerat Trail -
Featherbed Nature Reserve -
Gouriqua -
Heaven in the Langkloof -
Herolds Bay -
Kammanassie -
Klein Swartberg -
Kouga Mountains Kliphuis -
Kranshoek -
Langeberg Grootvadersbosch -
Masons Rust -
Mons Ruber and surrounds -
Mossel Bay Aalwyndal -
Mossel Bay Diosma Reserve -
Mossel Bay - :

Mossel Bay -
Mossel Bay -
Mossel Bay St Blaize Trail -
Natures Valley -
Outeniquas Bobbejaanberg -
Outeniquas Camferskloof -
Outeniquas Doringrivier East -
Outeniquas East -
Outeniquas Eseljagt -
Outeniquas Eseljagtpoort -
Outeniquas Flanagans Rock -
Outeniquas Lange Berg -
Outeniquas Paardekop -
Outeniquas Paardepoort East -
Outeniquas Paardepoort West -
Outeniquas Southern Traverse -
Rooiberg -
Spioenkop -
Strawberry Hill -
Swartberg Spitskop -
Uitzicht Portion 39 -
Uitzicht -
Western Head -
Western Head –
Western Head -
Western Head -
White Heather -
Wilderness Brown Hooded Kingfisher Trail –
Wilderness Kingfisher Trail -
Outramps Projects on iNaturalist
Lianes and Creepers in the Southern Cape and Little Karoo -

Veg Types of South Africa -

Abbreviations Glossary

MCSA – Mountain Club of South Africa
MSB - Millenium Seed Bank based at Kew in the UK
WIP – Work in Progress
HAT – High Altitude Team
LOT – Lowland Team
SIM – Somewhere in the Middle Team
WAGS – Wednesday Adventure Group
VB – Vlok Boekie “Plants of the Klein Karoo” and our Plant Bible
ITRTOL – Another thread “In The Rich Tapestry Of Life”(It describes a challenging situation, usually to do with the Buchu Bus)
ITFOT – In the fullness of time
WOESS – Fair Weather Hiker
FMC and JW – too vulgar to translate, but the equivalent is “Strike me Dead” - An expression of surprise and delight on finding a new “Rare”
Kambro – same as above
Fossick – A meter per minute, scratching around looking for rares
SIDB – Skrop in die Bos – Another name for a field trip, this one coined by Prix
BAFFING – Running round like a blue-arsed fly
SYT – Sweet Young Thing - Anyone under the age of 40
TOMB – Get a move on
Mayhem - Needless or willful damage or violence
SESKRYNG – “Sit en staan kry niks gedaan” ,with thanks to Brian
SOS – Skelms on Scramblers
FW – Idiot
BOB – Another name for the Buchu Bus when she’s misbehaving.
CRAFT – A symptom of Old Age
DDD - Metalasia tricolor (Damned Diabolical Daisy)
VP – Vrekplek – Retirement Village
Qàq – Self-explanatory Inuit word describing some of our local problems
Mr Fab – Our Fabaceae specialist, Brian Du Preez – originally Boy 1
Muisvoel -The Mathematician – Peter Thompson
Boy 2 – Kyle Underwood who works on Orchids and is still at school
Sharkie – Finn Rautenbach – Our latest SYT is a surfer in his spare time and is now the Curator of the Garden Route Botanical Garden
Sicko – Someone who suffers from Car Sickness. With 4 in the Group, allocating seating in the Buchu Bus is tricky
VAG – Virgin Active Garage, which is our meeting place when we head north
MATMUE – Meet At The Mall Under E - Meeting place when we head West
WG – Waves Garage in Wilderness East. - Meeting place when we’re going east.
VU- Vulnerable
DDT – Data Deficient and Taxonomically ?
NT – Near Threatened
EN – Endangered
CR – Critically Endangered
PE – Presumed extinct
LC – Least Concern
TBC – To be Confirmed
TLC – Tender loving care
JMS – An expression of absolute disdain
FOMO – Fear of Missing Out
Milk – the fruit of the vine
Condensed Milk – Scotland’s finest export
Full Cream Milk or Fat Milk – Any product of Humulus lupulus eg. Milk Stout
Milk of the Gods – Rooibos and Brandy
Milk Shake - Sparkling Wine
NS – Species of conservation concern new to the Outramps
PS -Priority Species allocated to the Outramps by our CREW Cape Co-ordinator , Ismail Ebrahim
iNatFD – iNaturalist for Dummies as compiled by Sally
Mizzle – Mist and drizzle combined. A regular feature of George in the ”good old days”.
FE – Fire Ephemeral – only appears immediately or after a couple of years after fire
Squirrel – aka President Ramaphosa
WOG – Wrath of God – eg. incurred when you put a young Pine tree on iNat as Leucadendron album
Skedonk - A banger - old, battered motor car more than 30 years old
Hoedown - redneck gathering, usually involves shouting catchy phrases like "yee-haw" and "the south will rise again"
VHF - Vat Hom Fluffie - our nickname for furry or woolly plants
OTL - Out To Lunch is used to describe the Buchu Bus when she's taking a break after she's behaved badly

Publicado el octubre 22, 2018 01:44 TARDE por outramps-tanniedi outramps-tanniedi | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario