13 de septiembre de 2024

September Moth Events

When only one person in a group sees an insect with only 8 other observations, you don't really expect to see it again, but Megacerus coryphae surprised us! It showed up on every light station last month at DPP. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/232211265. We've also enjoyed fireflies at DPP the last couple of months and hope to see them again this month before their season fades away.

A great excuse for more mothing comes next month with the Texas Pollinator Bioblitz, Oct 11-27: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/2024-texas-pollinator-bioblitz. Stay tuned for events in different locations.

September 14 - Saturday - 7:30p to 9:00p
Moonlit Moth Mania at Exploration Green - held monthly on 2nd Saturday
16203 Diana Ln, Houston, TX 77062 (park in main parking lot and walk downhill)

September 21 - Saturday - 7:30p to 10:30p
Deer Park Prairie
1222 E. Purdue Lane, Deer Park 77536

Pipeline fire update as of Fri pm - Re the pipeline fire that broke out Monday Sep 16 just east of the prairie, residents were allowed to return to their homes Wednesday evening and the fire was finally extinguished Thursday night. Be aware that the westbound lanes of Spencer Hwy between Luella and East Blvd have been rerouted so be careful as you approach Luella. As far as I can tell there are no air quality alerts related to the fire.

Please park on the school side of the street, not in front of neighbors' homes. All attendees are asked to sign a liability release form.

Publicado el septiembre 13, 2024 07:06 TARDE por rednat rednat | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

12 de agosto de 2024

Deer Park Prairie Moth Night - Sat, Aug 17

Oops, time got away from me and I didn't post in time for Exploration Green's moth night last Saturday. We tried a new location in Phase 5 which worked out very well (and was much closer to a parking lot!). EG moth nights are held on the 2nd Saturday of the month. Please do check EG's facebook page to verify location before driving out. The next EG moth night will be September 14.

August 17 - Saturday - 8:00p to 10:30p
Deer Park Prairie
1222 E. Purdue Lane, Deer Park 77536
Please park on the school side of the street, not in front of neighbors' homes. All attendees are asked to sign a liability release form.

Publicado el agosto 12, 2024 10:45 TARDE por rednat rednat | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

01 de julio de 2024

July Mothing and National Moth Week

The Moth Posse had a great night mothing at Deer Park Prairie for Pollinator Week last month! A male Phengodes appeared for the first time in almost a year. Males have wings and large feathery antennae while females are larviform and are bioluminescent! Hope we can spot a female some day. Gorgeous moonrise over the prairie also.

July 13 - Saturday - 8:00p to 10:00p
Monthly Moth Mania at Exploration Green - held monthly on 2nd Saturday
16203 Diana Ln, Houston, TX 77062 (park in main parking lot and walk downhill)

National Moth Week is July 20-28! I can't wait! Go to https://nationalmothweek.org/ for resources and fun info. Please check my journal for event status before hitting the road. I will update this post if a cancellation occurs. See sambiology's iNat journal for events in the DFW area.

July 20 - Saturday - 9:00p to 11:00p
Trinity River NWR - Led by Stuart Marcus, legendary moth observer
601 FM 1011, Liberty, TX 77575

July 20 - Saturday - More details coming soon. Registration required. CANCELLED
Galveston Bay Foundation
1725 Hwy 146, Kemah TX 77565

July 21 - Sunday - 8:30p to 11:00p (park closing time)
Memorial Park - South Picnic Loop (drive toward the back as far as you can)
We had a great night here back in February: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?on=2024-02-21&place_id=132460&subview=map&view=species

July 22 - Monday - 8:30p to 10:30p CANCELLED
Exploration Green Phase 5 at 2201 Bay Area Blvd, Houston, TX 77058
Near Bay Area Blvd and Space Center Blvd.

July 26 - Friday - 8:30p to 10:30p
Kleb Woods Nature Preserve - their very first moth night!
Registration required. Send email to klebwoods@hcp4.net or call 281-357-5324.
20303 Draper Road, Tomball TX, 77377

July 27 - Saturday - 8:30 to 11:00p
Deer Park Prairie
Registration required, sign up here: bit.ly/DPP20240727
1222 E. Purdue Lane, Deer Park 77536
Please park on the school side of the street, not in front of neighbors' homes. All attendees are asked to sign a liability release form.

Publicado el julio 1, 2024 07:28 TARDE por rednat rednat | 1 observación | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario

18 de junio de 2024

Moth Events for Pollinator Week June 17-23

It's Pollinator Week! See the project hosted by the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign here: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/pollinator-week-2024-pollinator-bioblitz. Note that you need to join the project in order for your observations of bees, wasps, butterflies, hover flies, hummingbirds and, of course, MOTHS to be included.

I'm giving my moth talk to the Houston chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas on Thursday evening June 20 at the Houston Arboretum and Nature Center. More details and zoom registration here: https://www.npsot.org/event/night-wings-over-the-prairie-insect-life-after-dark-june-20/

And, of course, more mothing at Deer Park Prairie:
Saturday June 22 8:30p - 11p
Lawther-Deer Park Prairie
1222 E. Purdue Lane, Deer Park 77536
Please park on the school side of the street, not in front of neighbors' homes.

Publicado el junio 18, 2024 06:30 TARDE por rednat rednat | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

21 de mayo de 2024

Moth Night at Deer Park Prairie Saturday, May 25

The Moth Posse has one last public moth night for May. Join us!

Saturday, May 25 - 8:15pm
Lawther-Deer Park Prairie
1222 E. Purdue Lane, Deer Park 77536
Please park on the school side of the street, not in front of neighbors' homes.

PS--National Moth Week is July 20-27. Save the dates for the events below. More details (and hopefully more events) to come.
Saturday 7/20 - Trinity River NWR, hosted by Stuart Marcus
Friday 7/26 - Kleb Woods
Saturday 7/27 - Deer Park Prairie

Publicado el mayo 21, 2024 12:43 MAÑANA por rednat rednat | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

09 de mayo de 2024

May Mothing

What a great time The Moth Posse (aka The Mothia) had during City Nature Challenge! We mothed at a different location each night. TNC's Brazos Woods Preserve and Brazos Bend State Park were new mothing locations for us. Brazos Bend SP mothing was spectacular! Until we got rained out, anyway. Glad to see the Houston-Galveston team ultimately claimed top species count in Texas again but boy, what stiff competition from San Antonio! They did a great job this year.

Coming up this weekend are two public mothing events. Please join us!

May 11 - Saturday - 7:00p - 9:30p
John Paul Landing Park's inaugural Moth Night. Presentation at 7:00p by legendary moth-er Stuart Marcus. Now retired, he logged over 1,000 moth species while working for Trinity River NWR. Talk will be followed by mothing until 9:30p. Families welcome.

May 11 - Saturday - 8:00p to 10:00p
Monthly Moth Mania at Exploration Green - held monthly on 2nd Saturday
16203 Diana Ln, Houston, TX 77062 (park in main parking lot and walk downhill)

Stay tuned for a date for monthly mothing at Deer Park Prairie.

Publicado el mayo 9, 2024 10:18 TARDE por rednat rednat | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

25 de marzo de 2024

Upcoming Mothing Events

Yippee! 2024 mothing season has begun! Had such a fun night with Sam Kieschnick, Craig Hensley and students attending a conference in Houston. Here's a link to Craig's video: https://www.facebook.com/texasnaturetrackers/videos/1808373639678674

Below are upcoming mothing events. Please check this journal post/journal before heading out to any of these events. I will update this post if an event has to be cancelled or updated.

April 13 - Saturday - 7:45p to 10:00p
Monthly Moth Mania at Exploration Green - held monthly on 2nd Saturday
16203 Diana Ln, Houston, TX 77062 (park in main parking lot and walk downhill)

And especially for City Nature Challenge:
April 27 - Saturday - 8:00p
Lawther-Deer Park Prairie
1222 E. Purdue Lane, Deer Park 77536
Please park on the school side of the street, not in front of neighbors' homes.

Stay tuned--the Moth Posse might scare up public mothing for other CNC nights as well.

Publicado el marzo 25, 2024 05:22 TARDE por rednat rednat | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

07 de octubre de 2023

October Mothing Events

Yay, our first "cool" front has arrived! I have the sheet up in my backyard this evening. Come enjoy the cooler weather tomorrow night at Exploration Green. Oct 28's moth night will be in conjunction with EG's Glow the Green Halloween event.

Oct 7 and Oct 28 - Saturday - Sunset to 10p
Monthly Moth Night at Exploration Green
16203 Diana Ln, Houston, TX 77062 (park in main parking lot and walk downhill)

Publicado el octubre 7, 2023 01:38 MAÑANA por rednat rednat | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

02 de septiembre de 2023

Mothing Equipment

Here is info about mothing equipment my mothing buddies and I have been using this summer.

If you have an older smartphone with one lens or one without a macro lens, this clip-on 15x magnifier is great:
Xenvo Pro Lens Kit - Good clear close-up photos get better id's. Use the macro lens with the selfie ring light below.

Selfie Ring Light - When you get close to the insect, the phone blocks the light. Use the ring light to eliminate shadows on your subject. Be sure to get model XJ-19 because the clip on the other one doesn't fit. At the moment, this product appears to be out of stock, but hopefully will be back soon. The battery only lasts a couple of hours, so you might want to get two if you start mothing a lot.

To use the two together, hold the ring light in one hand with the light side facing up and open the clip.
I like to hold it open with a little twist-tie. Hold the Xenvo clip with the other hand, lens platform facing up (no lens attached). Open the Xenvo clip and clip it around the ring light's bottom half. Attach the Xenvo macro lens to its platform and now you're ready to clip the whole thing to your phone. If your phone has multiple camera lenses, see https://www.xenvopro.com/ for instructions on how to determine which lens to use.

For the light station, you'll need a reflective surface for insects to land on and light(s).
I like to use full-size bed sheets for portability. You can also use duck cloth (not canvas). Bed sheets are light and easy to set up but need to be secured well if it's windy. Duck cloth is much heavier, so flaps less, but needs much sturdier support (think porch columns or steel posts). I usually hang my sheet on a pair of double shepherd's hooks with a 6' garden pole across the top and attach the sheet with clothespins.

You can also drape your sheet on the side of a vehicle and attach with 25mm magnets:

You can also use a white opaque rain barrel! The 35-gallon size will fit in a small sedan. Hang one or two (recommend two) UV light bars inside, attached to portable charger on top. Stuff the bung hole with something, like a sock, so you don't collect critters inside. Ours were acquired from Galveston Bay Foundation at their rain barrel sales.

USB UV light bar:

I recently bought a UV light from Entoquip.com and really like it. It's not USB so you'll need a portable power station for it,

For more equipment suggestions, see sambiology's journal post of July 14, 2023: https://www.inaturalist.org/journal/sambiology/archives/2023/07

For general mothing how-to's, go to nationalmothweek.org and check out their Finding Moths tab. There is even a series of short videos in Video Library.

Where to go? Any place with lots of native plants, and the less light pollution the better. Be sure to check out your own backyard! Have fun!

Publicado el septiembre 2, 2023 12:13 MAÑANA por rednat rednat | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario

25 de agosto de 2023

Next Mothing Events

We've had great fun this summer! Several new species and sub-100's were found for each location last month. A rare wasp was found at Exploration Green. See https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/176980341 and https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/176912276. Even more exciting, at Deer Park last month, Derek Hudgins (tdhudgins) logged a beetle never before reported in iNaturalist! See https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/174789510.

Aug 26 - Saturday - 8p to 11p
Lawther-Deer Park Prairie
1222 E. Purdue Lane, Deer Park 77536
Please park on the school side of the street, not in front of neighbors' homes.
Visitors will need to sign a liability release form.

Sep 2 and Oct 7 - Saturday - Sunset to 10p
Monthly Moth Night at Exploration Green
16203 Diana Ln, Houston, TX 77062 (park in main parking lot and walk downhill)

See you there!

Publicado el agosto 25, 2023 01:54 MAÑANA por rednat rednat | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario