Archivos de diario de enero 2022

27 de enero de 2022

Uppalapadu Bird Sanctuary - an amazing sight

Thanks to the iNaturalist "Nature in Winter" event, we spent the last few days of 2021 looking for new species to document. A road trip to Vijayawada led to an amazing find - the Uppalapadu heronry and pelicanry near Guntur.

This small site houses 1000s of spot-billed pelicans! Got to observe their nesting and feeding behaviours up close for an entire morning. Also saw quite a few painted storks, and Asian Openbills, Indian darter and cormorants. I have tried to document observations of many individual birds and their behaviour on iNaturalist, though it's impossible to cover the full glory and potential of this amazing site.

Here is a video of pelicans feeding their young.

I hope this place will be discovered by other birders and nature enthusiasts who see these observations!

Publicado el enero 27, 2022 06:06 MAÑANA por surabhi_srivastava_gaur surabhi_srivastava_gaur | 9 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
