Archivos de diario de enero 2022

29 de enero de 2022

29 Feb '22 Vadachi Vadi dam Tala

Went to a tiny lake, more like a large pond made by damming a small river.
Walked around the lake. Was quite disappointed to see only bathing buffalo, cattle egrets, a lonely little cormorant and a pair pf red wattled lapwing on either bank.
A troop of bonnet macque were enjoying the shady along one bank.
The presence of numbers of large billed crows and house crows surprised me, as did the absence of any other water birds. I expected a few herons at the very least.
Walking through the disturbed jungle along the edge of the lake brought a little more observations. Karvanda, maasthodi, and some liana with a very barbed stem made the going pretty painful. I've observed many ring butterflies, the few I managed to look at closely were all 5 ring, common sailor and one jezebel.

Not too bad a haul for an hour.
Oh, the land next to the lake is used as an official garbage dump which explains the crows and the mynas.

Publicado el enero 29, 2022 11:41 MAÑANA por virenvaz virenvaz | 8 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
