Archivos de diario de febrero 2013

07 de febrero de 2013

Woodpeckers Traveling Together

I just saw something interesting. My feeder was being frequented by the occasional chickadee and nuthatch, as it commonly is throughout the day, when a hairy woodpecker arrived. The feeder is filled with black oil sunflower seed, and the woodpeckers enjoy these, too.

Within seconds of the hairy woodpecker leaving, a red-bellied woodpecker arrived, grabbed a seed, and left. Moments later, a flicker landed on the rail.

These three species of woodpeckers all arrived in the area simultaneously, which leads me to believe that they're either traveling together, following one another, or they keep an extremely close eye on each others' activities, investigating whenever they see one of the others become interested in something.

Keep a watch at your own feeders, and see if woodpeckers of different species tend arrive together where you are as well.

Publicado el febrero 7, 2013 07:25 TARDE por wingedwolfpsion wingedwolfpsion | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
