Jason Whirligig Stewart

Unido: 05.dic.2014 Última actividad: 04.jul.2024 iNaturalist Australia

• The Bible – The Message
Romans – Book
Chapter 11
Verses 8–10
" ...

Moses and Isaiah both commented on this:

Fed up with their quarrelsome, self-centered ways,
God blurred their eyes and dulled their ears,
Shut them in on themselves in a hall of mirrors,
and they’re there to this day.

David was upset about the same thing:

I hope they get sick eating self-serving meals,
break a leg walking their self-serving ways.
I hope they go blind staring in their mirrors,
get ulcers from playing at god.


Awesome Patricia Fara !!! ( https://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/directory/fara ) :
Watch this, extensive science history scholarship topic, Cambridge Uni. interview : → https://youtu.be/YYY_KVeei60

Awesome Banu Subramaniam !!!

I just closely, carefully, read this article, inclusive with my well read literate and 35+ years well informed scholarly and professional practises,

If the article has, we may label them, political sides, expressed by awesome Banu Subramaniam, by Zoe Knapp and by awesome Dan Simberloff and Ken Thompson,
then the well evidenced truths expressed in each of these political sides,
for many years and decades I am aware of and agree with.

In my 35+ years professional experiences and 54 years life-long seriously cultured-nature-person life experiences,
awesome Banu Subramaniam has expressed the deepest truths and least hypocrisy, of the expressors in this article;
while the journalist and the three additional expressors,
show to my awareness that they are still catching up with the depth of awareness and reflection, awesome Banu Subramaniam expresses.

So next for me to read awesome Banu Subramaniam's new book.

The Bible - The Message translation from the original languages Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek .
Titus - book
1 - chapter :

Everything is clean to the clean-minded; nothing is clean to dirty-minded unbelievers.
They leave their dirty fingerprints on every thought and act.
They say they know God, but their actions speak louder than their words.
They’re real creeps, disobedient good-for-nothings.


It takes no intellectual genius nor philosophical genius nor any genius form of thinking,
to realise the basic reality that – by the actual definition of the word :
Only the recipient can evaluate altruism (proffered).

"I am not what you think I am. You are what you think I am" – Zen Kōan.
In simplified, long winded, form, in English: That was your mode(s) of motivation, your own construal and mental imaginary projections of your own mode(s) of perceptions and your own mode(s) of thought, not mine!
Simplistically: You are what you focus on! —credit to awesome Trevor Tims on Bumma Bippera Radio 98.7 FM.

Presently known as Psychological Projection :

Stan Grant (2023 June 3rd)
The [White] Queen is Dead :
The Time Has Come for a Reckoning
304 pages.
Harper Collins Publishers Au, Imprint: 4th Estate AU .
ISBN 9781460764022 .


LOLOLOL, on point after point after point and awesome !!! :)

I do not do demagoguery !!! Nor pretentiousness !!!
I prefer my own life – I do not covet any body nor any thing.
It's no secret that a friend's someone who'll let you help.
It's no secret that a liar won't believe anyone else
I am a culture-nature first hand lover, all my life,
inclusive of genuine compassionate humans.
(I am not for mediated nature).
• → https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/speakingout/speaking-out/102781048
I like Badoula oblongata and Alyxia oblongata !!! - coincidently :) .
Up with the Scots, Irish, Welsh, Cornish, Bretons and Gauls (Celtic peoples both ancient and today) (invaded Britain and France from the south from ca. 6,000–4,000 years ago – present), down with the English (from Angeln and Saxony (Germany) invaded Britain ca. 400 AD – present).
Just joking on about the history.
The Scots successfully defended back away the Romans. ... .
Now 54 years old, I am a life long cultured nature person, living in and acknowledging every day:
cultural–natural ecosystems in the SE. and NE. of this continent, including many years living with first peoples, most of all in Boon-wurrung–Woi-wurrung, Birdhawal, Yalanji, Guringai, Dharawal, Gadigal–Eora, Yidinji, ... etc., Countries — inclusive of Countries' respective languages and peoples.
Reality yes (the delusions of European imaginaries have no reality,
eg. past Au fallacies of so called 'terra nullius', in reality: European imaginaries nullius [they do not exist]).

I do cultural-natural ecosystems regeneration professional facilitation life–work (inclusive of professional field ecology–botany), sociable decolonisation, de-racialising and non-racialist edification, all since circa thirty–five years ago (1988-90). Please learn:
Beware: → https://lnkd.in/gebZ7ikP
Good work Survival International.
For general botanical knowledge learning and reference,
in order to follow every single one of the details that I write and in general us pro. botanists write
in our identifications' reasons and comments,
I heartily and professionally recommend :

Ian Clarke and Helen Lee (2019 Nov. – 3rd edition)
Name that Flower:
The Identification of Flowering Plants
Melbourne University Press.
ISBN: 9780522876048 →https://www.mup.com.au/books/name-that-flower-3rd-edition-paperback-softback
ISBN: 9780522876055 →https://www.mup.com.au/books/name-that-flower-3rd-edition-electronic-book-text

I Timothy 6 : 10 But if it’s only money these leaders are after, they’ll self-destruct in no time.
Lust for money brings trouble and nothing but trouble.
Going down that path, some lose their footing in the faith completely and live to regret it bitterly ever after.


The satanic (aka evil) CoLCorp – since 1000 years ago:
• → https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2011/oct/31/corporation-london-city-medieval
• → https://www.disruptionbanking.com/2022/09/28/the-city-of-london-a-pandoras-box/
• → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIuVXtwbqss&t=609s
• → https://doi.org/10.1177/0308518X221083986
Awesome Shashi Tharoor:
About the iNat donors' subject positions: → https://www.moore.org/about/our-founders .
Please beware, quotation: "
This is a question directed at iNat staff: today I stumbled over this article published by Smithsonian Magazine about a month ago.
In the latter part of the article it says:
The iNaturalist algorithm isn’t the only system built with the platform’s data. Google Lens, a Google image recognition technology, is also partially trained on iNaturalist data in order to recognize images of species.
This data is used for more than just research. Deep Learning Analytics, an algorithms startup that was acquired by General Dynamics Mission Systems in 2019, also made extensive use of iNaturalist data as part of a contract with the U.S. Department of Defense. The idea was to build an app, called BioThreat ID, for the military to identify invasive species like vipers and inedible fungi, according to documents obtained through a public records request. […] Today, the app is functional, but General Dynamics Mission Systems hasn’t made it widely available to download.


Given the extraordinary development of AI technology, I think this is a topic where many users would appreciate proactive transparancy.
" .
Career works include many parts such as for example :

• professional roles in field ecology, field botany, ecosystems regeneration and restoration, working with first peoples since the early 90s in Melb., ecological and botanical surveys, mapping, monitoring, plants and seedlings identification including grasses, sedges and rushes (uncommon skills), extensive ecological (geo-)databases design, construction, use and management, herbarium specimens' collection, preparation, databasing and identification, GIS (all aspects see below), etc.;

• practical getting hands dirty roles in pest plants removal and herbicide treatment, ecological and culturally informed burning, genuinely ecologically sustainable farming —soil depositing— and nursery propagating of indigenous plants' species, etc.;

• professional roles (office based with p/t fieldwork data collection), in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and databases (DB) design, construction, use, analyses and syntheses, integration, management, training staff in, field data collection systems design and integration, high precision GPS organisation, integration and use, computer programming and coding, Apple Mac and iPhone–iPad OSs, MS Windows OS, Office, etc.. - specially skilled in professional best practices of ecological subject matter GISs-DBs.

The above professional career parts include roles I've had in Au: state, national and local governments, first peoples and others' community organisations, not for profits, companies and more.


Today (2021 Sept. 21st) I coined a quote, regarding any systematic thinking topic:
"Ignorance based absence of evidence has nothing in common with a well attested evidence of an absence based on comprehensive survey results' real knowledge of the evidences of presences, uncertainties and absences".

2021 Oct. 8: " Credentials do not comprise a religion, hence do not let anybody suffer from the fallacious delusions of credentialism ". (~ism per se refers to ideology per se of any form).
In systematic thinking reality, credentials just summarise an institution's snapshot in time assessment of an individual's academic practices within a small disciplinary subject, so long as the assessed person didn't cheat any of the assessments;
which far too many people have told me, confiding that they have done and in my honesty I refused to do or to accept from other persons.
Again, not a supremacist religion and in reality, not nearly as important as too many European ancestry ethnocentric, perverts, sickos and evil imperialist sociopaths have pretended.
• → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho3QqUqprdM
• Beware of fragile while 'self-righteous', adults or adolescents, narcissists' cry babies older not real babies who also racialise, and in denial of all of their own problems and so fragile about their self, that they cannot handle reality, lie, delude and run away from reality. It's okay to be ourselves of course even if we have these problems, but keep on moving learning fast, do not deny, do not lie, do not come back into the just experienced yet unhandled real situation before first having fast learned, mentally handled and accepted that reality just experienced.: →https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dw_mRaIHb-Mhttps://fb.watch/mQOZRus_L3/

• → https://www.verywellmind.com/white-fragility-4847115
• Emilie Ens, Maurizio Rossetto and Oliver Costello (2023 August 10th)
Recognising Indigenous plant-use histories for inclusive biocultural restoration .
Trends in Ecology and Evolution.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2023.06.009 .

• Elizabeth Pennisi (2023 August 10th)
Wandering Seeds :
Millennia before Europeans arrived in Australia, humans helped shape the distribution of the continent’s plants
Science, Vol 381, Issue 6658 .
(A plainer English language write up in this global science journal).

• Emilie Ens (guest editor)
Gerry Turpin, Stephen van Leeuwen and Liz Cameron (guest editorial board)
(2022 January)
Indigenous and cross-cultural ecology - perspectives from Australia .
Ecological Management and Restoration (scholarly journal)
Special issue: volume 23, issue S1, pages: 1-149 https://lnkd.in/dw86UHGG
Issue Information download (PDF): https://lnkd.in/e4K5SXFM.
Abstracts for this whole issue: "

This special issue brings to readers 16 original contributions that highlight the unique values of Indigenous biocultural knowledge and practice and report on ground-breaking collaborations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous researchers and authors. "
This special issue of EMR contains contributions from participants in Indigenous Ecological Knowledge symposia held at the annual Ecological Society of Australia conferences over a decade to 2020, reflecting increasing cross-cultural and Indigenous-led ecology and management projects across Australia.
Much more work needs to be done to increase Indigenous participation and control in Australia’s ecological science discipline and empower Indigenous-led research. ".

• → https://www.linkedin.com/posts/activity-7114170397067026432-N2vS

• → https://youtu.be/dw_mRaIHb-M
..• → https://fb.watch/mOpQJIJkmq/
• → https://youtu.be/_Ks7I1BnP2g
• → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2z-ahJ4uws
• → https://fb.watch/mOnfd2Dw1L/
• → https://fb.watch/mOnlnY0KuC/
• → https://fb.watch/mOnjHRwP0B/
• → https://fb.watch/mOnri91E_C/
• → https://fb.watch/mNin2wSFtM/
In reality any question has the minimum three answers: Yes. I do not know. No. If you have too much arrogance most of the time to say the admission of I do not know then you really do not know much about nor even have awareness of reality in general.
I do not do nor initiate fighting yet defend honest good faith values and myself to completion, when fought with by other's initiating it.
And constant competitiveness, mentally ill people and sub-cultures do – in Christian terms people under the influence of the confused and confuser, deceived and deceiver, self-mislead and misleading, self misdirected and misdirecting, extremely delusional and deluding, most evil extreme arrogance, fallen angel satan.
Jesus Christ's relief for all bar none you will find in here.
In my values I whole heartedly support first peoples especially across this continent,
honest followers of Jesus Christ —Christian— and systematic evidenced knowledges —sciences— (plural), and
Mahayana Buddhism practitioners.
After ca. six months deliberation, communication and standing up to a minuscule minority who targeted me for buttons pushing sneaky abuse, then denial of that abuse, gross lying false narratives about my person and then hate speeches to rub it in when they cyber–gamed the so called community standards to try to put that over me too, including gaming the good faith presumption;
I have deleted all except one good example observation to iNat good faith users, of my deliberately maxed out 916 observations. Thus 915 I have totally deleted from iNat, including several thousands of my photographs I originally uploaded here.
I have all of these observations and many thousands more on community controlled places in the internet and my backups.
I have all my plants and animals photographs of course, more than 14,000 of them, including in backups.
Much relief from this rabbit hole and underneath the ground surface rabbit warren with too much of demagoguery unlit dead ends' holes (metaphors obviously).
Please check out these and their dates, before the unprovoked abuse of me started, here in iNat: comment #1, comment #2, comment#3, etc. .

Confer with (aka cf.) these, related topic :

• → https://carbon-pulse.com/219798/

• About Robert Blincoe's life story (2016):

Awesome Grace Tame (at 2021):
• → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRcAWRPflOA
• → https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-11-22/australian-of-theyear-takes-toll-on-grace-tame/100525768
• → https://iview.abc.net.au/video/NC2102Q035S00

Awesome Carrie Goldberg :
• with Jeannine Amber (2019)
Nobody's Victim: Fighting Psychos, Stalkers, Pervs and Trolls.
Penguin Publishing Group, also Vintage Publishing .
• → https://www.nobodys-victim.com
• → https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/13/books/review/nobodys-victim-carrie-goldberg-consent-donna-freitas.html
• → https://www.cagoldberglaw.com

• Awesome Claude Alvares and company here:
Decolonising Universities
Session Ten from the Multiversity International Conference on Decolonising Our Universities held in Penang, Malaysia, 27-29 June 2011
under the auspices of Universiti Sains Malaysia and Citizens International.
The conference brought together scholars, activists, students and journalists from Asia, Africa, the Mideast and elsewhere to address the problem of Eurocentrism in the universities of the Global South and to explore alternatives and paths of resistance.

• Awesome Deborah Bird Rose (2004)
Reports from a Wild Country : Ethics for Decolonisation.
Sydney: University of New South Wales Press. ISBN 0868407984.
Great credit given to the author, but not inviting stupid readers who want to attack this book and author.
Quotation: "

'Us' and 'Them'

   A further challenge to closure builds on the violence of totalising monologue.
Whose past and whose present are implicated in the moral work of engaging the past in the present?
Monologue is another primary form of closure.
Critical theory of recent decades has shown western thought and action to be dominated by a matrix of hierarchical oppositions which provided powerful conceptual tools for the reproduction of violence.
In this matrix the world is formed around dualities: man/woman, culture/nature, mind/body, active/passive, civilisation/savagery, and so on in the most familiar and oppressive fashion.
In fact, however, these dualities are more properly described as a series of singularities because the pole labelled 'other' (woman, Nature, savage, etc.) is effectively an absence.
This point is articulated extensively by feminist theoreticians.
Luce Irigaray (1985), for example, shows that the defining feature of woman under dualistic thought is that she is not man.

   Ecofeminists extend the analysis to include 'Nature', and show that the same structure of domination controls women, Nature, and all other living beings and systems that are held to be 'other' (Warren 1990, Salleh 1992).
Val Plumwood (1994: 74) speaks directly to the centrality of this structure: 'the story of the control of the chaotic and deficient realm of "Nature" by mastering and ordering "reason" has been the master story of western culture.'
Within that 'chaotic and deficient realm' were all those others who were classed outside the 'Us' that is the hero of the story.

   Stripped of much cultural elaboration, this structure of self/other articulates power such that 'self' is constituted as the pole of activity and presence, while 'other' is the pole of passivity and absence.
Presence is a manifestation both of being and of power, while absence may be a gap awaiting transfiguration by the active/present pole, or an enabling background; in either case, without power and presence of its own (Plumwood 1997).

   A crucial feature of the system is that others never get to talk back on their own terms.
Communication is all one way as the pole of power refuses to receive the feedback that would cause it to change itself, or to open itself into dialogue.
Power lies in the ability not to hear what is being said, not to experience the consequences of one’s actions, but rather to go one’s own self-centric and insulated way.
Plumwood (2002:27) notes two key moves in sustaining hierarchical dualism and the illusion of autonomy – dependency and denial.
The pole of power depends on the subordinated other, and simultaneously denies this dependence.

   The image of bi-polarity thus masks what is, in effect, a singular pole of self.
The self sets itself within a hall of mirrors; it mistakes its reflection for the world, sees its own reflections endlessly, talks endlessly to itself, and, not surprisingly, finds continual verification of itself and its world view.
This is monologue masquerading as conversation, masturbation posing as productive interaction;
it is a narcissism so profound that it purports to provide a universal knowledge when in fact its violent erasures are universalizing its own singular and powerful isolation.
It promotes a nihilism that stifles the knowledge of connection, disables dialogue, and maims the possibilities whereby ‘self’ might be captured by ‘other’.
Levinas equates these totalising monological narratives with war.

   This is not to say that monologue itself lacks debate and conflict, but more deeply that it is self-totalising in only including what it can accommodate within its own narrative, and by insisting that others, if they appear at all, appear as they are considered by that monological narrative.
Indeed some monological narratives are so broad as to be able to encompass everything, but only within the terms of the narrative.
Elizabeth Povinelli’s (2002) brilliant new study of Australian multiculturalism gives a much more complex face to public monolocultural discourse than I am able to present here.
She focuses on the 'cunning of recognition', examining the impossible necessity for Aboriginal people in certain contexts to be able to produce for the nation an identity that the nation defines as authentic (see also Merlan 1998).
This is one of many ways in which monological narrative scoops up others on its own terms and within its own self-understanding (see chapter 3).

   The dismantling of the war-like theory of 'self' is a necessary step … ... ...
...|Deborah Bird Rose (2004)
Reports [Reflections] from a Wild Country
page 19–

—best you all buy this book! giving the author their great due—;
—available from here: https://www.google.com.au/books/edition/Reports_from_a_Wild_Country/XelMRauBoysC

• The Bible – The Message
Romans – Book
Chapter 11
Verses 8–10
" ...

Moses and Isaiah both commented on this:

Fed up with their quarrelsome, self-centered ways,
God blurred their eyes and dulled their ears,
Shut them in on themselves in a hall of mirrors,
and they’re there to this day.

David was upset about the same thing:

I hope they get sick eating self-serving meals,
break a leg walking their self-serving ways.
I hope they go blind staring in their mirrors,
get ulcers from playing at god.


• awesome George Lakoff (2012 July)
Don't Think of an Elephant.
removing demagoguery fallacies from politics:

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