Flora in Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal

2 August 2017
Wordsworth says in "Farewell, thou little Nook of mountain ground:"

And, O most constant and most fickle place!
That hath a wayward heart, as thou dost shew
To them who look not daily on thy face,
Who being loved in love no bounds dost know,
And say'st when we forsake thee, 'Let them go!'
Thou easy-hearted thing! with thy wild race
Of weeds and flowers till we return be slow
And travel with the year at a soft pace:

I am back in Waco, Texas. With a "wayward heart" I have said farewell to the "little nook of mountain ground" in Grasmere and forsaken the meadowsweet and the foxgloves and the wild roses. I will be posting a guide to the flora mentioned in Dorothy's Grasmere Journal month by month as I "travel with the year at a soft pace." July is already posted to "Flora in Dorothy Wordsworth's Grasmere Journal." August will be soon to follow. My hope is that you all who have not forsaken the "little nook of mountain ground" will use the guide to discover the flora that is showing itself this month and let me know about it. You could also post your photos of the "wild race of weeds and flowers" to the inaturalist project, "Flora in Grasmere" for those of us who are not able "to look daily on their face."

Publicado el agosto 2, 2017 12:47 TARDE por melindacreech melindacreech


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