(list is still in progress! Be PATIENT jeeez)
Eight human observations (7 linked; 8th: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/12218166)
this Black-throated Sparrow video: https://youtu.be/a3P0LeGAY1s
these Cave Swallows (video): https://youtu.be/5pYzwrxOvdY
this cricket video: https://youtu.be/m4bs9uGnjMo
THESE DANCING SCORPIONS: https://youtu.be/Zn3ce2tEAb0
This CUTE LITTLE BEE taking a cactus flower bath: https://youtu.be/K9gvLta2A4o (featuring the real live voices of me and @silversea_starsong with @psyllidhipster doing backup)
This Blue-grey Gnatcatcher with ANGRY EYEBROWS: https://youtu.be/9U9yNGkYq0w (my first time seeing the breeding plumage! Silly birbs!)
Lark Sparrow: https://youtu.be/FWZk2VXQjOY
Come on, I had to. The great @gcwarbler (who is a salmon and/or trout) with his friends. Excellent night for mothing. This was one of four sheets.
Strange behavior observed from a human in the wild. Found at a city park, therefore probably captive/cultivated and possibly a bat and/or sea turtle
Here's what we caught with this net: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/11452440
Do you mean to tell me
That I spent hours on Friday night
Trying to get a picture of a stupid Bell's Vireo
And it turns out it was the Very First Life Bird of this ENTIRE TRIP?????
The Beetling
Somehow people were... not expecting somebody (me) to willingly cover themselves in bugs??? I had 8 of these scarabs at one point and I think 4 or 5 sphinx moths but who's counting?
Homo sapiens naturalista in their natural habitat
Observing a Western Groundsnake: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/11024831
Yippee! :)
Yes, I, have and will post human sightings.... mostly just to document the fact that I observed/talked with/ enjoyed a wonderful experience with an iNat/TPWD/USDA person.
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