Flagstaff, AZ | The Joy and Suffering That Comes With Testing Out New Technology

I got my field microscope in the mail recently. Yay!

And after overcoming the frustration of installing the software on my computer and figuring out how it works, I took it out for a test run today.

Even though I chose a relatively easy spot to try out my new equipment, I was quickly reminded that the outdoors is not the same as the controlled environment of my office desk. The wind on this 70 some-odd degree day felt wonderful on my skin when I was standing in the shade, but, with my level of experience using my new digital microscope, it made photographing anything a somewhat arduous task.

I did manage to get a few photos of some flowering plants growing under the shade of a tree though...and that's at least a decent start to getting comfortable with my new equipment!

Publicado el mayo 6, 2018 01:26 MAÑANA por lunamothkd lunamothkd


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Catarina Convergente (Hippodamia convergens)




Mayo 5, 2018 a las 03:35 TARDE MDT

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Mayo 5, 2018 a las 03:45 TARDE MDT


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