American Bullfrogs

American Bullfrogs are the largest species of frog in the US. They are a greenish-brown in color and are typically 3-6 inches in length when they are full grown. They start life as a tadpole and can remain in that state for nearly 2 years. While tadpoles, they are typically 1-2 inches in length. One interesting thing about most tadpoles is that when you look at their stomachs you can see their intestines, which is slightly gross but cool. Bullfrogs will eat almost anything. There is a record by Daniel Beard in his book The American Boy's Handy Book of a bullfrog that he owned, which in the space between May 14th and November 17th, ate 10 live mice, over a dozen live beetles, 1 frog, 2 pieces of steak, 1 bat, 4 crayfish, 2/3 of a perch, and a 11 inch alligator( a pet that the bullfrog decided to eat) before dying of indigestion (Beard). The frog had become so famous for his appetite that his obituary was published in local papers. As you may be able to tell, bullfrogs will eat anything that they can get in their mouths, along with a few things that they can't.


Beard, Daniel. The American Boy's Handy Book, 1882

Publicado el mayo 10, 2018 05:37 TARDE por turtle04 turtle04


Fotos / Sonidos


Rana Toro (Lithobates catesbeianus)




Febrero 22, 2018 a las 05:49 TARDE EST


American bullfrog tadpoles, 8 of them

Fotos / Sonidos


Rana Toro (Lithobates catesbeianus)




Febrero 27, 2018 a las 05:29 TARDE EST


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