The Wings Over Arkansas Program

Wings Over Arkansas is an award program for birders. Earn free pins and a certificate for filling out the Arkansas bird checklist! It's easy! First go to and read the instructions. Download an application and an Arkansas bird checklist and fill them out.

The program gives you a different pins for different achievement levels, beginning with Carolina Chickadee (25-49 species). I checked my old eBird checklists and iNat observations and I have 48 species, just shy of the Wood Duck level (50-99 species). I want to make a birding trip before the end of the year to Millwood State Park so I get more species. I should get plenty, since my checklist is missing common species like the Eastern Towhee and Mallard.

I encourage birders to try out this program!

Edit: I noticed the bird checklist has the extinct Ivory-billed Woodpecker and one-time strays like the Mountain Bluebird. Haha,AGFC, haha!

Publicado el noviembre 26, 2018 03:44 MAÑANA por cosmiccat cosmiccat


Crystal, I dare you to document an Ivory-billed woodpecker on iNat. Do you accept my dare?!? ;)

Publicado por sambiology hace casi 6 años

Yes! It's on! ;p

Publicado por cosmiccat hace casi 6 años

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