First Progress Report - 7. Sewage overflow reporting

Additional activities have included the reporting and observation of a sewage overflow from the manhole above the Creek at the Tradescantia Trial Zone. Arriving at the site during rain we heard and saw the mixture of sewage and stormwater as a waterfall down the fern-covered bank from the manhole beside the Native Plant Trail, with solid waste floating on the path and caught on the boardwalk.

Our photo of the waterfall was blurred by rain on the camera, but we got a shot of the stream flowing beneath the bridge just upstream of the waterfall. The waterfall from beneath the manhole cover was whitish, as usual with stormwater.

We have never seen the stream this colour before, and wonder what it was due to?

Not knowing that sewage overflows need to be reported to Watercare, we tried to reach the Council Call centre, which was busy. While on hold we walked down the trail intending to check the other manholes, but it began to rain again, so we returned up the trail and across the footbridge, as a heavy rain warning had been issued for that afternoon, and heavy rain can occasionally bring the stream level up to the footbridge.

Eventually we learned the number to call was Watercare, and asked them to check the other manholes along the stream. The manhole was unblocked promptly, along with all the other manholes along the stream, and the sewage sprayed with disinfectant.

Overflows were common in 1997-99 and presumably still are, as Reserve users have reported a foul smell, both organic and chemical, repeatedly pervading the entire Reserve.

In 1997-99 the white powder disinfectant spread on the sewage left on the banks used to kill all the young native ferns which had arisen in the year after handweeding of tradescantia.

We understand Watercare is aware that this pipeline overflows frequently. We hope to learn more, as in our call to report the overflow we requested a report of the outcome, water quality, overflow history and the name of the chemical used, as we hand-weed the ferns, parataniwha, nikau and other vegetation on the bank below the manholes in our Trial Site. The spray used on the sewage-covered banks recently has not obviously harmed the ferns and other plants, as the powder disinfectant used 1997-99 did. We asked Watercare to let us know what disinfectant is currently used, for our Health and Safety planning and to inform our continued observation of the areas treated with it, but have not yet had a reply.

Publicado el abril 26, 2019 04:49 MAÑANA por kaipatiki_naturewatch kaipatiki_naturewatch


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