A last request ...

You know very well it wont be the last, but please - we need your help now!

As you go through the mopping up of our City Nature Challenge observations
these ones still need identification
these ones still need identification down to species level
these ones still need confirmation of their species level IDs

Please look out for any outstanding observations that can be used for promotion of the event or our site, or that just need to be acknowledged and shared.
If you see any, then please add them to the project
(if you have not yet joined the project, you will need to in order to help us)
and click on the fave star (just below the map on the observation).

The winner for the City Nature Challenge 2019: Cape Town will be the observation with the most faves, or in the event of a draw, other additional criteria as outlined in the Nominations project. There will be two categories and they will be different observations:
• Observation of the City Nature Challenge 2019: Cape Town will be based on all categories.
• Photograph of the City Nature Challenge 2019: Cape Town will be confined to the categories "image" and "composition" and shall be in addition to the Observation of the City Nature Challenge 2019: Cape Town .

You can see the most faved nominations for the event here:
Nominations for observation of the City Nature Challenge 2019: Cape Town
and the most faved for the event here:
Faves from the City Nature Challenge 2019: Cape Town

A decision will be made on or round about 19 May - no correspondence on the decision will be entertained.

(Note that not all observations for winner of the City Nature Challenge will be eligible for Observation of the Month for April, because that is determined by date of posting and not date of observation: so some observations will be part of the Observation of the Month for May competition). This is strictly for the event - those observed during the challenge whenever posted

Publicado el mayo 7, 2019 08:49 MAÑANA por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo



• 3333 observations still need identification

• 15448 still need identification down to species level

(add your family or genus to the "species" box to clear those in your speciality)
• 3891 still need confirmation of their species level IDs
(add your family or genus to the "species" box to make these "research grade")

Publicado por tonyrebelo hace más de 5 años


• 2800 observations still need identification -533
• 15567 still need identification down to species level +219
(add your family or genus to the "species" box to clear those in your speciality)
• 4132 still need confirmation of their species level IDs +241
(add your family or genus to the "species" box to make these "research grade")

Publicado por tonyrebelo hace más de 5 años


• 1589 observations still need identification -1211
• 16223 still need identification down to species level +656
(add your family or genus to the "species" box to clear those in your speciality)
• 4046 still need confirmation of their species level IDs -86
(add your family or genus to the "species" box to make these "research grade")

Publicado por tonyrebelo hace más de 5 años


• 256 observations still need identification - effectively all done!!! Many thanks.
((these are all problematic: either no pictures or multiple observations. There are a few additional ones without localities, but we cannot easily detect these until their localities are fixed. These mainly appear to be once-off users who have not returned. If you know any of them and can help, it would be appreciated. Some of these have over a dozen good observations in them!***))
• 16505 still need identification down to species level +282
(add your family or genus to the "species" box to clear those in your speciality. There is still a need to classify some bigger families (e.g. Asteraceae) to Tribes for specialist attention)
((it s going to take a long time to process these. These are the rarer species and more difficult to identify and poorly known groups. There may well be some new species in here but we wont know until a specialist trawls through them. A quick sample suggests about 2500 marine, 12000 plants, 1000 fungi, 1000 invertebrates and 500 vertebrates remain in this list. Some of these are not suitable for further identification (inadequate photographs, inadequate taxonomy, impossible to ID further without additional non-photographic material)), but estimating how many these might be is not easy.

• 3448 still need confirmation of their species level IDs -600
(add your family or genus to the "species" box to make these "research grade")
((Thanks for your help with these: although the figure is only 600 observations down for the week, about 1000 additional observations from the unidentified box have been done as well. Please keep chipping away at these.))

Note: there may well be research grade observations incorrectly identified during the frenzy of the challenge. Keep your eyes open for any out of range and strange species in the area, while doing your routine species checks.

***A full list of all problematic observations can be found here:
Many of the users are unaware of these issues because they do not display properly on the cell phone app. They will need a website version to tackle these. This is a subsample. There is a poorly understood, but quite common, bug on the Android app that creates pairs of observations: one with the picture and without locality, and one without picture and with locality- the former will not be registered on the project. These unfortunately need to be fixed manually.

Publicado por tonyrebelo hace más de 5 años

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