2012 March 11 14:00

Location: Alder woodland next to a ravine, S of the fire pit where we looked for ephemeral mosses with John Villella

GPS 47*0444.55"N 122*58'43.12 W Elevation 108

Weather: a little sun, about to rain

Vegetation: ALRU, POMU Rubus ursinus, Geum macrophyllum, cleavers (Galium aparine), and patches of invasive grass. I think I see colts foot (Petasites palmatus). Leaf litter everywhere, open and full of light. Licorice Fern on ALRU,

Observations: On ALRU Isothecium stoloniferum, Dicranum spp., Leucolepis acanthoneura, with well developed sprophytes, Mnium spp. Porella navicularis on a leaning Vine Maple. I've never seen Porella growing in isolation like that.

Plagiomnium on the ground.
There's a patch of Rhytidiadelphus growing in the open with Kindbergia oregana. They are both very gold out in the open.

Question: I wonder how the nutrient profile of ALRU litter compares to conifer litter and the dust that falls on trees for epiphytic species?

Publicado el marzo 15, 2012 05:36 MAÑANA por homeformosses homeformosses


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