Weekly statistics between May 10, 2020 and May 16, 2020

236 observers made 1213 observations between Sunday, May 10 to Saturday, May 16. @hholbrook observed 141 examples of life in the Anacostia watershed. 106 people contributed one observation. There were almost twice as many insect and spider observations this week compared to last week, as the weather warms up and the daily rain dissipates.
A few highlights of observations are provided below. All observations are welcome, every contribution helps document the magnificent diversity of our community. Thank you to everyone who contributed observations this week!

@gazingglobe Amazingly BIG spider from the Hackledmesh Weavers (Family Amaurobiidae)
@blitzen1986 Black Swallowtail
@ronwertz Blueberry Digger Bee
@nala3 Brown Rove Beetle
@hholbrook Confused Woodgrain Moth
@barnetpavaozuckerman Eastern Eyed Click Beetle
@epic2112 Ant-mimic sac spiders
@gmuldoon Orchard Orb-weaver
@adamwillis Yellow Sac Spider

Observations this week, by Taxon:
Actinopterygii 7
Amphibia 10
Animalia 2
Arachnida 31
Aves 188
Fungi 21
Insecta 218
Mammalia 24
Mollusca 3
Plantae 598
Reptilia 26
(blank) 85

Publicado el mayo 17, 2020 01:26 TARDE por jmgconsult jmgconsult


@jmgconsult Thats a cool breakdown, thanks! I live on the very edge in the upper watershed and forget that I am part of it. I have improved my light setups, and have been lighting on most warm nights this year. Friday night was the best I had had so far with many new species for my yard, over 20! I am far behind in editing, but I have much more to add from the week. This may give me a bit extra motivation :)

Publicado por hholbrook hace alrededor de 4 años

That is very cool! Thank you

Publicado por blitzen1986 hace alrededor de 4 años

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