Introducing Sara G & Blue elder!


I want to introduction you to an amazing PhD student, Sara Gabrielson, who is helping out with our Citizen Science project! Sara's research focuses on community ecology in forested ecosystems examining bird-plant interactions through seed dispersal on Oahu. Sara created your post for this week on Blue Elder - Enjoy!

Blue Elder

Summer is in full swing and there are blooms everywhere! I hope you’ve had a chance to get out and do some botanizing. From the observations, it looks like June and July have been busy months for folks. Keep it up!

Blue elder sometimes called blue elderberry or Sambucus cerulea, has been blooming across Arizona from the lowlands up to the Colorado plateau and even around the base of the San Francisco peaks. This beautiful shrub or small tree produces large flat topped clusters of yellowish-white flowers that bloom from May - August in Arizona. Keep your eye out especially in moist areas since blue elder loves to have damp roots. As the fruits mature they turn a dusty blue color giving this species it’s common name. They become ripe in late summer and autumn and often attract birds who eat the fruits dispersing their seeds across the landscape.

Blue elder has been used for medicinal and culinary purposes by peoples all over western North America. It’s medicinal properties are numerous and varied!The berries are extremely high in iron, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and antioxidants. They have been used as an immune system boost, an expectorant, and a laxative, and to treat many ailments including stomach aches, common colds, constipation, and the flu. The fruits are also used in baking such as pies and syrups and elder flowers are used to make teas and tinctures used for their delightful floral flavor in cocktails and medicinally to break fevers. The round stems have an inner pith easily removed to carve a hollow wind instrument and used in ceremony and recreational music making. This multitude of medicinal and culinary benefits only touches on a few of the many benefits provided by blue elder.

Stay alert for this powerful plant as you safely botanize this summer!

Publicado el julio 17, 2020 11:33 TARDE por azscurfpea azscurfpea


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