Added Vancouver Island due to possible sightings

I've heard several "maybes" in the Victoria area this week, still unconfirmed with no specimens or photos, but one of the people was trained in insect identification, so she knew the difference between mud daubers and sawflies, etc, and had previously worked as a beekeeper. There was another possible sighting in Saanich.

So, this is fairly interesting, since it basically implies that the Nanaimo nest was not unique, and that there may actually be nests all through the back country of the western side of the island all the way from Nanaimo down to Victoria, and the hornets are just now pushing into populated areas.

Hopefully if that's the case, we'll get some confirmation trappings soon. I look forward to hearing from anyone on the island who wants to help search via iNat.

Publicado el agosto 7, 2020 03:07 MAÑANA por doviende doviende


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