Don't Forget to Fav Photos for the August Winner!

Cast your votes and be counted! You can 'fav' any observation that you like to vote for the Vermont Atlas of Life iNaturalist photo-observation of the month. Located to the right of the photographs and just below the location map is a star symbol. Click on this star and you've fav'ed an observation. At the end of each month, we'll see which photo-observation has the most favs and crown them the monthly winner. Check out awesome observations and click the star for those that shine for you. Vote early and often!

Check out who is in the lead and see a list of all of this month's photo-observations.

Publicado el agosto 27, 2020 06:49 TARDE por nsharp nsharp


Votes for the Nov winner coming up. I see it will be a close competition, everybody is great!
Karts & Kendrick

Publicado por karts hace casi 3 años

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