Great Southern BioBlitz 10 days to go - Invite to join GSB projects

The Great Southern BioBlitz is now only 10 days away. Commencing on the Friday 25th September and running until the end of Monday 28th September. Let's hope the weather is kind to us and maybe the regions will be in third Step towards relaxingCoronavirus movement restrictions by then, otherwise it is very much travel conditions as applied during the City Nature Challenge.

I thank you for your contribution back in April and hope you can join in the GSB.

Note the Geelong iNaturalist Project that will accumulate observation made during the event is Join this project to keep up to date in see what others are seeing and recording in our area.
If you are a Surf Coast resident, then the project to join is

To monitor overall progress of how Geelong and the Surf Coast are going compared with other GSB participating groups - check out the project As of today, there are 110 participants with a strong representation from Argentina and Brazil.

Within the GSB, there is an International project event that just keeps track of Moth observations. This is a members only based, so if you want to compete and have your moth observations included - join the project

Note to join any projects, you must be logged into iNaturalist prior to clicking on the links to be able to see the Join Icon on the project page.
Future updates on the event will be communicated via the GSB projects listed above.

Best wish
Rod Lowther

Publicado el septiembre 14, 2020 02:05 MAÑANA por rover-rod rover-rod


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