Caddo NWR

Caddo Lake National Wildlife Refuge published a plant list on their website.

I was surprised to see Longleaf and Shortleaf Pine on the list. These trees are native to Eastern Texas, but are extirpated in most of their native range in Texas. I've never seen them in this area. The plant list report mentioned that staff were beginning to cut down the human-planted Loblolly Pine to allow the original pine species to spread throughout the park. Loblollies were heavily planted by the timber industry, who cut down the Shortleaf and Longleaf Pines and replaced them with the "more profitable" Loblollies. Loblolly is native here, but it wasn't the dominant species like it is now.

I want to see the Shortleaf and Longleaf trees, never having seen them in the wild. The problem will be finding them. The report simply said a few stands were found "in the highest elevations of the park." Drosera was found growing under these trees, which is another plant I want to see.

I compared their checklist to my observations. Just for fun, I want to see how many I can get. I'm mostly missing grasses and sedges, which is not surprising because I am terrible with IDing those. However, I've found some plants they missed like Scarlet Gaura and Arkansas Yucca.

Publicado el agosto 27, 2015 05:52 MAÑANA por cosmiccat cosmiccat


I have yet to see Drosera out in the wild... Be sure to post pics when you find it (I know you will!). :)

At our park, we have a plant list compiled by some botany folks, but we added a new column for "verified on iNat." This is yet another reason that I love iNat -- species lists for areas are (or should be, at least) accompanied by some evidence! :)

Publicado por sambiology hace casi 9 años

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