Moving from iPhoto to Lightroom

I have an iPhoto library of over 13,000 photos, mostly in JPEG format. (I shot in RAW for a few months a couple years ago but switched back since JPEG was serving my needs fine.) iPhoto has served my needs nicely, with adequate photo editing, Flickr publishing that pushed subsequent changes made in iPhoto, and a pretty good workflow that let me zoom in and compare multiple photos of the same subject for sharpness pretty efficiently.

Apple is no longer updating iPhoto or Aperture. They have replaced both with Apple Photos, which improves photo editing, but does not have the Flickr publishing or comparison workflow features I've relied on in iPhoto for so long. So I have to move my photos to a library platform with a future, and Apple Photos isn't it.

Adobe's Lightroom seems to be my best bet. I'll get vastly improved editing, and I assume I can figure out an adequate photo comparison workflow and Flickr publishing. But how do I convert my iPhoto library to Lightroom? Does anyone have experience with this? I've read that Lightroom has a migration tool, and this blog entry seems to be one of the better resources for understanding it:

I'll be spending some time this holiday weekend exploring Lightroom. Is sure would appreciate learning anyone's experience in this area!

Publicado el septiembre 5, 2015 03:21 TARDE por mikaelb mikaelb


Mikael, I have used Lightroom since it came out. I've never used iPhoto or Aperture. I am pretty experienced with Lightroom, but have never tried to migrate other things into it, but it should not be a huge issue to start from scratch and move your images into Lightroom. You are welcome to come out to Dripping anytime and I can show you how I use it if you like, my workflow, etc. I also use Mac.

Publicado por greglasley hace alrededor de 9 años

Thanks so much, Greg! I have installed Lightroom as part of the Creative Cloud free one month trial. I might take you up on our offer once I've played with it a bit.

Publicado por mikaelb hace alrededor de 9 años

Anytime. Send me an email (email on my profile page) and I'll send you a cell number. You are welcome anytime.

Publicado por greglasley hace alrededor de 9 años

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