
A few tidbits to share.

Super excited about your observations. So energizing.
Just borrowed Art Evans' CA Beetles book and it's so good. Back to being a student. Elytra! Elytron!
Keep obscuring those special/rare/vulnerable observations. Someone posted a chocolate lily in SLO and boom -- someone quickly dug it up. Shitheads. Can't be too careful for our nature friends.
There are some good low tides this week in the afternoon. Heads up.
My biggest recent thrill was finding an endangered slug. Yes!
Took a vernal equinox hike in the Verdugos. Blissful. The clouds bobbed on the hilltops, it misted often, was sunny just as often WHILE misting, dew glistened on abundant greenery, hillsides of blooms, magical. We saw a handful of people (half were masked). One had mega-creeper vibe so my husband had one of those "I won't allow you out there alone" talks. Valid. Gunning for my vaccinations!

Btw, I started playing with all-in-one shots. Like those tide-pool photos that you dissect at home. It's so much harder on hillsides and in valleys but kind of interesting. You just have to make your way around for the closer images. It's kind of like a jigsaw-puzzle shot where the individual pieces are distinct species and altogether there are loads of species. Yeah, not so practical. I might be trippin' 😜.


Publicado el marzo 22, 2021 11:49 TARDE por redrovertracy redrovertracy


I just looked through some of your observations to get a better idea about "all in one" shots. I think it could work for some of the very obvious, easy to ID plants. But personally, I find the details most interesting. Both sides of the leaves, flower buds, last year's fruit, seed, seed pods, bark, how hairy a stem or leaf is, etc. But I love wide shots of the habitat something grows in, too. So, do both!
https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/71681561 is such an amazing shot. To get this precious, fleeting moment in time when a tiny fern is born, you'd have to be extremely lucky with all in one.
The Verdugos are lovely! I must check out the area sometime soon.
Thanks for riffing and sharing!

Publicado por andreacala hace más de 3 años

Andrea, I haven't followed through on the all-in-one. I'm mentally mulling still, though I did take some wider shots in the Verdugos. I'll holler when I've posted in that way IF it's looking functional and worthwhile! Totally agree that macro must lead.

Thanks for the red-tailed 'eye' comment. I had no idea!

Oh, and I got a last-minute Covid vaccination yesterday -- Pfizer #1. Second is 4/15. Woohoo!

Publicado por redrovertracy hace más de 3 años

Congrats!! Our little WW group is well on its way to a safe get-together!
I signed up to this: https://vsafe.cdc.gov/en/ and reported my side effects via a daily health check-up they sent via text. Sort of citizen science data collection, for whatever it's worth.
Many hugs!

Publicado por andreacala hace más de 3 años

Congrats on shot #1! Hope you are feeling fine.
Love your nice iNat finds like the slug and coffee fern :)
In re the all-in-one shots, I've really only tried them in tide pool observations since there is so much going on, but I"m going to watch what you are doing with your hillside/landscape shots as well. Sometimes, I do find extra insects in pollinator shots, but that's not the same.

Heading out to tide pols this week as you mentioned, it'll be my first foray since hurting my hip last month. As to the chocolate lily, shitheads for certain (though I would choose a much stronger expletive for them).

Be safe my WW friends

Publicado por scubabruin hace más de 3 años

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