Refuge Project Tops 1,000 observations!

On Monday, 7 December 2015 the FWNC&R iNaturalist project reached a milestone with its 1,000th recorded observation. The majority of the observations are "Research Grade" meaning that the species identification has been confirmed by at least 2 observers. This makes the data even more valuable as a management tool guiding natural resource management on the Refuge. Also valuable is that the observations document 459 different species meaning that the data is not simply a list of a small handful of species.

Thanks to the 49 naturalists who have reported their observations to the project. Let's keep it up!!

How about a goal of 2,000 observations by the end of 2016?

Publicado el diciembre 7, 2015 07:29 TARDE por rdenkhaus rdenkhaus


Woo hoo! :) It's looking great!

Also, you may want to toss up some flyer/poster or something at the nature center to tell folks about it and inaturalist. At Oliver Nature Park, we have a nice flyer with info about iNat and the project at the park -- several folks have joined that way.

Publicado por sambiology hace casi 9 años

Fantastic news! 2,000 observations, here we come!

Publicado por troutlily57 hace casi 9 años

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