Ant Lion Diaries #1

In Sept. 2020 I discovered several ant lion pits in a patch of black soil that surrounds a burning bush in front of our garage. It was my first siting of antlions in the USA since I first read about them in the Golden Guide to Insects as a teen in the 1960s. I’d first observed the pits some 10 years ago in Zimbabwe along a dusty path at a rural hospital, and that was exciting. Believe me when I say I was surprised and delighted to discover them along my driveway in Columbus, Ohio. And they are back again this year, first appearing as three delicate pits in late March.

At the same time, I find their pits only in this one 2’ x 4’ patch of black soil under or near the burning bush and in a small adjoining patch around the corner of the garage. The front patch has a southern exposure protected by the bush and an overhanging eave; the second small patch is protected from western weather by the garage wall and a small eave. Wind and severe weather usually come from the west. I have searched other finer-grained soil on our grounds for signs of pits but have found no others. It seems the larvae are limited to these two small patches, which means I could lose them at any time.

The two sites are readily accessible. I hope to watch and learn over the course of the 2021 insect season and describe my observations in these Antlions Diaries. I have kept a notebook of observations and will enter them below. I don't know whether journal entries can include photos (or how to add them) but I will refer to the photos I have taken using the four-digit number my phone camera assigns them.

Publicado el junio 29, 2021 08:51 TARDE por wardwriter wardwriter


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