approaching 15k / next countries revealed

Hi guys!
We are about 500 away from 15,000.

The next countries to be added are China, Portugal, and Peru, adding about 5.8k observations to the existing pool of about 2.2k. This is so you can try to hit the next stretch goal of 20,000, with lots of legroom.

Also, we WAY underestimated your guys' abilities. Next time the starting goal is going to be way harder!

Here is the updated official link.

Later tonight you will get the halfway-point rankings updates!

Publicado el mayo 26, 2021 08:57 TARDE por astra_the_dragon astra_the_dragon


Go Portugal go!!

Publicado por joaolemoslima hace alrededor de 3 años

I like that you add several new countries each update. It wasn't as fun when it seemed like every observation was in Belgium.

Publicado por jasonhernandez74 hace alrededor de 3 años

yup, i agree with jasonhernandez74. Even 2, reasonably far apart countries, is more interesting

Publicado por muddytortoise hace alrededor de 3 años

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