Sea Slug Census #9 July 2-5

We're Back! After a brief lockdown, ReefWatch and the VNPA are so excited to be running Sea Slug Census #9 in Melbourne/Victoria. If you have never been involved a run down can be found here (

Put simply, you spend as much time as you can over the four days looking for and photographing anything that looks like a sea slug and send your images into ReefWatch or post here (Also join and add your images to the Victorian Nudibranchs iNaturalist page To date we have recorded 184 species and found a few new species. I am excited to see if we can add several more.

For more info on Sea Slug Census' across the country check in here
For more information on Nudibranchs in Victoria check out here

Happy Slug hunting

Publicado el junio 23, 2021 05:15 MAÑANA por kade kade


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