Happy to be a member of such a vibrant community!

My first post on this forum about how I got here and how there's no looking back! As the pandemic lockdowns opened up, my family got caught up in exploring natural parks and the urban biodiversity around us. Looking for a way to answer my 8-year old daughter's queries regarding an organism's name or behavior, I found iNaturalist as the one-stop platform for information.

But I never imagined how interactive it could be and how supportive this community is. As we started posting our observations, we found immediate responses from other members, providing or correcting IDs - a learning in real time. And we joined projects, thanks to invites from @orfrigatebird and @ram_k that got us immediately involved in the data collection and in checking observations submitted by others.

Am thankful, and thrilled on my daughter's behalf, for the shout-out on @orfrigatebird 's South India Backyard Bioblitz project for maximum species observed in Telangana last month. You can read the journal post here https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/2021-south-india-backyard-bioblitz-/journal/54713-over-13-000-observations-and-2-700-species-in-just-one-month

Over the last couple of months, it has become a daily ritual to check comments and review our observations and IDs. My daughter prefers the Seek app by inat as it goes through the entire taxonomic classification while identifying an observation. I use the iNaturalist app and we browse the IDs and comments together. Looking forward to the learning, and confidence, to contribute more identifications back to the community soon. And meanwhile promote this fantastic community as widely as I can in my circles!

Publicado el agosto 6, 2021 11:35 MAÑANA por surabhi_srivastava_gaur surabhi_srivastava_gaur


I love hearing about how iNat and Seek have become part of your life. Thanks for sharing!

Publicado por carrieseltzer hace casi 3 años

Thanks @carrieseltzer ! Awed by the team - this is so much more than an app, it's an entire community for learning :)

Publicado por surabhi_srivastav... hace casi 3 años

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