Guadalupe Reservoir - 12/14/2021

Since I saw high mortality on the road at Guadalupe Reservoir (Hicks Road) last year, I wanted to document it a few times this year, so went out today thinking it would be ugly. To my pleasant surprise there were "only" 34 dead newts along the fairly short stretch of road I walked. I'm sure I saw others before and after the reservoir stretch, but thought the highest rate would be in the more immediate area. I'll post the observations later, just wanted to note it here while it was fresh.

Publicado el diciembre 15, 2021 01:31 MAÑANA por newtpatrol newtpatrol


Thanks for posting, @newtpatrol. I wonder if you'll see higher numbers during/ after the next rain event. I think the newts are just getting started. Before this rain event the numbers were very low, and even this week they were lower than I expected. Please add your newt observations to this new project -

Publicado por merav hace casi 3 años

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