Mozzie Month 14Feb-29Mar - contribute / iNat Mozzie project - join / intro workshop 10Feb 7.30-8.30pm

Join citizen scientists from around Australia to contribute to Mozzie Monitors project. Data collected will help to understand the diversity and abundance of mosquitoes in each area. Monitoring mosquitoes is essential for mosquito management and mosquito-borne diseases prevention. With the warm, wet and humid weather impacted by La Nina, mosquito populations are increasing in different parts of Australia. Thus, monitoring mosquitoes is crucial to explore how the weather variables can affect species numbers, population size and distribution. Mosquitoes also have important ecological roles and can be effective pollinators.

Join iNaturalist Mozzie Monitor project

10Feb 7.30-8.30pm Intro online workshop about using iNaturalist to share observations of mosquitoes, will also give some tips on how to take the best identifiable photos.

For more information, contact

Publicado el febrero 4, 2022 09:04 MAÑANA por barv barv


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