Day 2 - Can we step up our game?

Another chilly start but warming up nicely later in the morning. How was everyone's first day? Collectively, we did pretty well - a little over 3k observations, 815 species, and 213 observers. Traditionally, we more than double our Friday totals on Saturday; can we keep up the trend? Maybe hit 10k observations today? Let's get those participant numbers up too. Tell your family, friends, and neighbors to add a couple of observations.

Globally, La Paz is off to a rocking lead. 35k observations, 2016 species, and most impressively, 2258 people participating. Can we close that gap? It all depends on you!

Happy day 2 of iNatting!

Publicado el abril 30, 2022 11:23 MAÑANA por navin_sasikumar navin_sasikumar


Day 2 is drawing to an end, but we did pretty well! Good job everybody. We got about 2,598 new observations today - fantastic. We hit 1,163 species (mind-blowing) and excitingly, gained 226 new observers!

Publicado por pinefrog hace más de 2 años

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