Bird Babies!

Chipping Sparrow
© Photographer: William Wise | iNat Observation: 78980153 - Chipping Sparrow; Clarke County, Georgia. May 16, 2018.

The rain has come and continues off and on throughout the day. I’m home early from work and have an opportunity for BYOB (Birding-Your-Own-Backyard). Babies are everywhere! No, I’m not talking about all the recent births in our church. But of all the bird babies in my backyard.

For a few days I’ve heard the light chirping of nestlings as diligent Chipping Sparrows parents make bug-runs back and forth. I track them down in the Sky Pencil bush at the corner of my house. Three babies crammed into a tiny nest!

Later, underneath the birdfeeder, I spot an ugly gray bird with black wings scraping through the mulch. Then out pops a female Towhee mom and “spoon-feeds” the little fledgling!

Not long after, the usual Downy Woodpecker is all of the sudden being trailed by a second Downy. Has it found a mate? But again, I see one feed the other I realize it is yet another fledgling in my backyard.

The bird parents are busy, busy, busy with all the birdie babies in my backyard.

Athens, Clark County, Georgia, May 16, 2018
Forecast: rain, high 77°. Rain overnight, low 66°
Sunrise 6:33 AM, sunset 8:29 PM

Publicado el mayo 18, 2022 04:28 TARDE por williamwisephoto williamwisephoto


Fotos / Sonidos


Toquí­ Pinto (Pipilo erythrophthalmus)


Mayo 16, 2018 a las 04:29 TARDE EDT


Athens, Clark County, Georgia

  • Rain, high 77°. Rain overnight, low 66°
  • Sunrise 6:33 AM, sunset 8:29 PM

Fotos / Sonidos


Carpintero Velloso-Menor (Dryobates pubescens)


Mayo 16, 2018 a las 05:02 TARDE EDT


Athens, Clark County, Georgia

  • Rain, high 77°. Rain overnight, low 66°
  • Sunrise 6:33 AM, sunset 8:29 PM

Fotos / Sonidos


Gorrión Cejas Blancas (Spizella passerina)


Mayo 16, 2018 a las 04:00 TARDE EDT


© Athens, Clarke County, Georgia

  • Rain, high 77°. Rain overnight, low 66°
  • Sunrise 6:33 AM, sunset 8:29 PM

Fotos / Sonidos


Gorrión Cejas Blancas (Spizella passerina)


Mayo 16, 2018 a las 03:21 TARDE EDT


Chipping Sparrow nest on the side of my house. Diligent parents ( making continuous runs with food all day long. Athens, Clarke County, Georgia ©

  • Rain, high 77°. Rain overnight, low 66°
  • Sunrise 6:33 AM, sunset 8:29 PM


Great post!!!

Publicado por alice_herden hace alrededor de 2 años

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