Join the Bruce Trail Spring Bioblitz May 27th - 29th, 2022

Hi everyone,

We invite you to join the trail-wide Bruce Trail Spring Bioblitz from May 27th-29th, 2022. Consider finding some time next Friday, Saturday or Sunday to hike a portion of the Bruce Trail and add your observations to this project!

All observations made and added to the project between May 27th and 29th, 2022 will be included in the bioblitz, and we'll be sure to share the results with you afterward. Prizes will be awarded for most observations and most species recorded during the bioblitz. Plus, all bioblitz participants will be entered into a draw to win a special BTC prize!

Publicado el mayo 19, 2022 03:10 TARDE por maram maram


Looking forward to bringing my Girl Guides to Limehouse Conservation Area for a Bruce Trail hike this weekend - and making some observations along the way. Such a great experience!

Publicado por themillars hace alrededor de 2 años

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